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Posts posted by cattmouch33

  1. Doesn't look like it will be bad if it happens at all. It's suppose to happen around 4-6 but we'll see. We might stay a little south for a bit then head north after 6 so it'll be gone. No rain down here for tomorrow.

    Hurry up and get plates and insurance for that bike then.

  2. Well I need to get a license plate light put in the bike since the past couple of rides I've been out kinda late. In Dayton they don't really care but elsewhere they do. So I might be headed back to Dustin's to finish it up correctly. I'll probably just get some LEDs from advanced and wire them up.

  3. :eek: Oh-No!!! HAHAHAH Too funny...as long as it doesnt turn into a wax worm, Im in good shape. I can live with earthworm status tho. I'll probably break it after working it out so much. I will deff. have to recouperate for a week. Its sad that Im bummed that Im going to be missing 2 weeks of good riding with the NKY trip and Im sure the G-town route. I should be excited about getting married but all I wanna do is ride. I am excited to get hitched tho. Kinda of freaky that that time is already here. Im still pumped after last Sunday's ride, I think that is why I want to ride so bad...

    It'll be a hell of a lot of fun just enjoy it because it goes quick. Then you, your new wife, and tired little decrepit worm :wheelchair: can join us back in Ohio for some fun riding. See if Mandy will come out for a Thursday night.

  4. Please...she wont be able to get enough of my master plumming skillz. I'll be layin pipe for miles with an occasional bend here and there. I'll be on call 24/7 servicing her every need. Hell, I might even unclog some pipes with my drain snake too.

    Im just saying that when we get back Late Saturday night, she's not gonna like me getting up Sunday morning to ditch her on our first night of living together to go ride and be with the guys. I'll give it a week then Im back at it...one of these days she will be riding with us I hope if I ever have time to teach her to ride and she gets her temps.

    That's why I said you'll need the break. You'll get back and your drain snake will be a little garden worm. :lol:

    Just tell her to get her temps, it's really easy and lasts a year. She'll have time to learn how to ride and take the MSF before her temps run out.

  5. the roads go on for quite awhile, I was out for about 3hrs, 30min there and back, but I only got to maybe 1/3 of the route and what I got to was awesome. Not to many homes, very little gravel (if any at all) and very tight twisties. One spot I do want to get a pic at is overlooking the dam down there. Lemme know when you guys and/or girls wanna go on this route.

    It's suppose to be 3hrs by car, 82mi of what should be good roads

  6. yeah but it said it was suppose to rain yesterday and I went out for 3hrs on some great roads by germantown and farmersville. So you have to wait till the day of to see what the weather throws at ya.

    I'm gonna go back to those roads and get some good pics next time.

  7. are you sayin that kawi's and the team green color is ugly???

    and you have one why?? lol

    Just the new zx-10, I love my kawi and waited 3 yrs to find a good deal on one that had to be green, so I don't think that is the case.

  8. What time is everyone going to meet up at qsl I may roll up there when off work.
    Probably 6 15ish. Depends on if everyone is on time at the Shell and how direct of a route we take.

    Should answer your question, maybe a little earlier or later. Just be there around that time if you feel like stoppin by after work.

  9. I found a route of about 75mi of some twisty roads I'm gonna check out during this next week and let you guys know how they are. It's down by Miami university and up towards eaton.

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