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Everything posted by magley64

  1. ditto..what gives? admin, mods, someone halp!!!1123!
  2. ? i'm sure this is a reply to another thread... just curious how it ended up here. edit: yep..
  3. usually I do... last year not so much... but 2 years before that we had so much snow that the county gave up on plowing all together, the only thing that got plowed were state routes... it became a snowmobilers paradise for a good month or so, you could get anywhere in the county by sled without rashing up your carbides too badly...
  4. I did like the snowhawk, but I've always wanted a Hyanide or Baal... Cause sometimes there isn't enough snow for a sled everywhere, and it would be nice to cross some reasonable amount of paved terrain without totally trashing your vehicle. http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2006/01/12/hyanide-and-baal-all-terrain-motorcycles/
  5. Then yes, that's me regarding my own safety and health above that of a dog's life... absolutely, every time and without fail...
  6. Obviously the officer felt it was necessary, or...do you think he had some sort of anti-dog vendetta? "Haha, I'm gonna take time out of this foot pursuit to shoot a random dog, that'll be fun."
  7. I did have a bad experience with a dog once, I've also had several good experiences with my own dog (from the time I was 5, until I was 22) I haven't "written off" all dogs. There are plenty of good dogs out there, and some bad ones. My view is good dog or bad dog, it doesn't matter. A dog is a dog is a dog is a dog, and I will not value a dog's life over the safety of a human being. I'm against torturing dogs, or killing them for sport, or causing them undue anguish...
  8. It was intentional, so many people think dogs should be treated like people... but a grown man or woman would have been smart enough not to attack a police officer in pursuit of suspects... if the dogs get rights like humans, they should be responsible like humans.
  9. How does one interrupt body language? (human or dog) That doesn't even make any sense... Edit: you must mean interpret... And that was my whole point... why delivery folks would have less trouble with a dog than a cop jumping a fence. The delivery person would be calm, and collected just going about a normal task, while a police officer jumping a fence would have a greater sense of urgency, adrenaline pumping, high level of stress regarding his current situation...these differences could trigger different responses from a dog...
  10. There is also a big difference between approaching a dog calmly and slowly as with delivering a package, and suddenly jumping a fence while in pursuit of suspects...
  11. There wouldn't have been a problem at all if the dog were smart enough not to attack a police officer
  12. that's pretty gross... Dogs have been bred for certain attributes, but that doesn't make them any different than any other domesticated animal. (cats, rabbits, ferrets, chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigs, horses) It also doesn't make them any more human than any wild animal... coyotes wolves, bears, deer... But if you honestly feel these animals deserve better, maybe you should go join PETA or something...
  13. Who cares about a dog? I'd justify killing 100 dogs to save 1 person, 1,000 dogs, 100,000 dogs... They are animals, no better than any of the animals we eat every day. I swear the way some people worship their pets, they should be vegan. I've been bitten once, tore a few pretty big chunks out of my calf at 14. That dog survived 2 years (too long) before I took care of it. The next dog that bites me won't survive that long, not even close.
  14. yeah, an old 350, or a hemi, or even a subie boxer... strokers are fun
  15. yes, I do remember it being lonely from time to time... but i also remember answering to noone regarding how my time was spent... there are positives and negatives to anything I suppose... do me a favor and go hit on some random hot chicks...
  16. This thread has reached page 404, there must be an error here somewhere...
  17. Yep, they are planning to Video it... I'd trust 80% of the people here, and probably 95% of the "regulars".... most of us are stand-up guys (or in some cases girls).
  18. just read a story on yahoo about a guy who died after being pushed onto the tracks of a subway train, and my brain is now making ridiculous puns like CSI miami...
  19. let's hope this doesn't degrade into another busahauty situation...
  20. hookers and blow > coffee or tea with bailey's or whiskey.
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