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Everything posted by magley64

  1. hells yes, this bike is in mentor, so I can put on my snowmobile gear and ride it home...
  2. *Holds up similar sign that says "Go Away"* let's hope the noobs all have a sense of humor
  3. any POS will do 100... it takes a while, sure, but it's not as if most cars aren't capable... My dune buggy, maybe not because of low gear ratio and low rev limit on a 53 hp engine... but still 90% of vehicles on the road can do 100.
  4. Again, I don't think fear is the right word.... I'm not afraid of any dog, but I've got no patience or tolerance for one attacking me, either.
  5. Oh it affected me, but only in the sense that I now have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy. A dog will not bite me and live to see another day...period. Other than that I have no problem with dogs. My g/f's dog is just fine and dandy, many of my friends have pooches that are great, but none of them have ever attacked me either. I would never equate killing a dog that attacked me to shooting someone who puffed their chest at me. I've never shot a dog, never plan to shoot a dog. I still don't need a gun. Fear...you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means... The dogs were in MY YARD, the same yard my nieces play in, I don't know if the dogs are friendly, and as I've said, I have a zero tolerance policy. No dog will bite me, (and definitely not my nieces) and live another day. It's castle doctrine, dogs were on my property, I chased them off, if they had attacked me instead I'd have put them down.
  6. I just don't care that a gun was used on a dog... The last time I felt threatened by dogs, I had a long handled hatchet at my disposal. If in the process of chasing them out of my yard, one of them had turned and attacked me, I'd have killed it with that. then contacted the owner to come pick up the bloody carcass.
  7. so being attacjed and injured isn't enough IYO... that's fine, but I'm not going to tolerate another dog bite.. period.
  8. I remember the first time I rode with you man, I ended up changing some random girl's tire before we embarked... good luck!
  9. I thought he had told that story on here, I believe I heard it in person at one of the DTC after-party blowouts.
  10. WAIT WAIT WAIT... WUT?!?! Are you claiming that you can't shoot a dog that is latched onto your leg? Seriously? Not being there at the time, I'm doubtful that you have more facts than the rest of us regarding this case. It is quite possible that while in foot pursuit, the dog bit the officer, and was subsequently shot... just because guns CAN be used at a distance (and are designed to) does not mean that they need be.
  11. you told me the story...I just remembered the highlights.. some troublemaker posting on one of the forums, you track his IP, ban him, and it turned out being one of the half dozen IP's the college used...
  12. It's detroit, not afghanistan... you can still ride with us dude... and I'm sure detroit has their own fun roads. cheer up, it'll be a new adventure for you.
  13. I like that bike... it's the bike I'd go to if I lost the XX and couldn't find another reasonable replacement.
  14. I guess that's reasonable... I try not to give the police too hard of a time since I think most of them do honestly try to do their job the best they can on a daily basis. As with any group, you'll have your bad apples, but I hope/believe they are the exception and not the rule.
  15. Again, not everybody shares my morality, but for me *any* animal's life < a human's safety. Be it a pet, or a workhorse, or a prized trophy... along those same lines, if i see a cat/dog/skunk/possum/turtle/duck in the road, I'll do my best to avoid it, but I'm not wrecking or ditching my vehicle over it, and I'm not going to lose a second of sleep that night if I squish it's little brain all over the asphalt.
  16. wow 137 shots, that's between 11 and 12 per officer... I thought police were supposed to be good shots...
  17. Tazers are not designed for dogs, and might have killed it anyway, kicking doesn't always (will rarely) cause an attacking dog to stop... mace or baton, maybe... if he was carrying one or the other, but in a split second decision...a couple bullets do the trick.
  18. The housing department? yes, they can inspect rental units... IIRC it's been that way for decades...
  19. Casper did that already... banning his own IP...fun times.
  20. was reopened by MJ after she accidentally closed it.
  21. I'm not sure that fleeing justifies shooting... Let's see what turns up
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