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Everything posted by magley64

  1. You don't have any evidence that martin initiated contact either... all you have is the word of the guy who would be guilty of murder otherwise... that's unbiased...:eyeroll: And how the hell am I politicising it? I'm not running for office, I'm not petitioning against gun rights... Wtf do I have to gain either way?
  2. so one litte detail can't change the blame? who initiated physical contact? did Zimmerman try to detain Martin? all the evidence exactly the same, that one detail makes this an open and shut case of self defense through some weird circumstances to a murder charge... and as I've already stated, there is no other side of this story to hear...he's dead.
  3. ^this and that is why we need no more traffic laws, any officer at any time can pull you over if he feels you are not driving "safely" hands at 10 and 2 or 9 and 3 (or now 8 and 4) and eyes on the road, driving distracted negates the need for texting bans, cell phone bans etc...
  4. not necessarily, the merge COULD extend the delay, but it might not. You can't just cruise full speed through a construction zone usually. They do have reduced speed limits for the safety of the construction crew.
  5. I gotta think a cruiser tank swap would be a weekend job at most, even if they were from completely different cruisers. The most I imagine you'd have to do is fab up some custom mounting bracket.
  6. on a bike you can get away with it, and I frequently do... When people do that in a car, it pisses me off... "didn't you see the sign?" I don't typically let those people in if I can help it.(yeah, I'm an asshole behind the wheel) The individual lines would be shorter lengthwise, but the wait is going to be the same (or somtimes longer depending on how efficient people are at merging) because you can only get a set number of cars through the single lane. The most efficient way to do this would be to merge into a single lane as early as possible, and keep everyone moving at the maximum speed of the single lane.
  7. do objects in your home routinely surpass the ignition temperature of other objects in your home? are there any safeguards or barriers keeping those objects from coming into contact? if not, it might be a good idea to have some sort of fire supression system. If it's just adults in your house, and you all have brains in your heads, a fire extinguisher probably isn't necessary. Now, how often are you assaulted and battered out of the blue? Shot at? if this is a problem, you might reconsider some of your lifestyle choices. not often, that's for sure.
  8. Well, there is something you can do about it, and that's how I got my favorite officer encounter story of all time. I was riding up rt 46, and this car climbs right up my tailpipe, passing zones I gradually slowed, and non passing zones i sped up.. after 3 clear passing zones i decided that this guy was no longer welcome, as soon as I hit the on ramp for the freeway, I opened her up, and wound her out, 2nd gear, 3rd gear, 4th gear just as i was shifting to 5th gear, I see this blue flash off to my right. Roll off the throttle and check my mirrors to confirm my suspicion, there was indeed a highway patrolman headed my direction with his lights and sirens running. I quickly pull over and stop, remove my helmet as the officer pulls up behind me and approaches the bike. He asks me "do you know how fast you were going?" I reply "no officer, I wasn't really paying attention to the speedometer to be honest" He says "you were going FAST. I don't have you locked on radar, so my options are reckless op ticket or a warning" I say "I understand, sir" as I nod in agreement. He asked me why i was in such a hurry, and I explained the 10 minutes prior to the freeway. He seemed to like my bike well enough, and told me to slow down. he then went back to his car, and shut off the lights. I put my hemet on, waved, and continued up the freeway. I don't get pulled over every time I dust some moron who is tailgating, but that is one of my favorite LEO encounters ever.
  9. more evidence pointing to "figure of speech"
  10. it's where I work, and where I sleep... so there is 60 percent of the time by default, I do spend a lot of time at home so probably honesly 85-90% of the time i am here, most of my ventures out are on the roads on my bike, I do stop for gas, but that's 5 minutes of stopped time for 2-3 hours of ride time... and if I'm rolling in a group ride, we usually stop for food... add in winter time where I venture out very little, yeah, you could virtually say I never leave the county... I like my odds I don't have a sharkbite suit, although I have been to sea world, and near the ocean.
  11. thanks for doing the math... obviously 100 times was a figure of speech... now do the math for my county... not the whole country...
  12. nope, but I've had the top half of a bee crawl around in there...
  13. Charged means exactly what it means, there is enough evidence in the prosecutors mind to say you are guilty of a crime. then that whole constitution thing comes into play, innocent until proven guilty, right to a speedy trial, right to a jury of your peers, etc... I'm not saying he went looking for trouble "because he was carrying a gun", I'm saying he likely went looking for trouble trying to "play cop" while he happened to be carrying a gun. As for who was the aggressor, again we only have one side of the story, dead men(boys) tell no tales. What if it happened differently? What if Z grabbed M and tried to "arrest" him, starting the altercation? Far as I can tell he may have been innocent until he was harassed by some bully pretending to be a cop. Not saying that IS what happened but it's a possibility, and because he's dead, we'll never know. Safe enough for me, I've walked the vegas strip at midnight, I've stopped for gas at all hours of the night from los angeles california to hartford, conneticut, from savannah georgia to niagara falls. You keep telling all these scary stories like I've never gone anywhere or done anything... I'm 28 yrs old, I've been places, I've done things. I'm 1000 times more likely to die because someone isn't paying attention to the road than someone actually attacking me out of malice. What are you so afraid of? Hell, I haven't even had to do that much... I don't get into many altercations, I keep to myself, and I haven't had any real problems yet. I dunno what kind of mad max hellscape you're living in, but you might want to think about moving.
  14. rut roh raggy, looks like the joke might have been taken the wrong way.... YIKES!
  15. i usually get them all over my face, and then they crawl in my ears
  16. I'll try to convince people that a helmet is a good idea. I also respect their decision not to wear one. I do feel that their death is more a culmination of bad decisions at that point than anything else.
  17. well that's one way to tell her without telling her....
  18. I will re-iterate, I'm not trolling, this is how I really feel on the subject... I've never owned a gun, I don't need a gun, don't want a gun, not interested in shooting, or hunting, and I don't need that type of "personal protection"
  19. that's what a trial is for... unfortunately none of us can say, it's for a jury to decide now. sure, it could be, but then maybe she really has the evidence to convict... bullet trajectory, video, eyewitness accounts, there might be something "off" on Z's story... if not, I have no desire for an innocent man to be sent to prison...
  20. not according to the prosecutor who charged Z with murder 2.
  21. I never said I was a better fighter than anyone... and I never said you couldn't be killed by an unarmed person... Just seems way too convenient a way of killing someone to me. I have no reason to kill anyone, I will not be carrying a weapon that projects deadly force at the squeeze of a trigger...period.
  22. magley64

    WTF head??

    looks like a camera error.
  23. 1. I graduated high school with a 1.8 gpa (why was homework so heavily weighted in the grading scale?) 2. I've never done any type of illegal drug, but Nyquil is my favorite part of catching a cold. 3. I've read the holy books of 3 mainstream religions, cover to cover just so I could be better armed to argue them. 4. In college, I tutuored Philosophy and Physics. Why the most useful thing on the planet starts with the same 2 letters as the least useful thing, I don't honestly know. 5. I want a 88 lamborghini countach, and a 83 Delorean DMC12, both with black leather interior and manual trans. 6. 90% of my bedroom is consumed by a king size bed, it barely fit between the walls, and i had to remove the headboard. 7. Mitch Hedberg is my favorite comedian of all time. 8. I play "danger zone" on my bike, and pretend the top of the windshield is a horizon display on a jet. 9. I like to drive with my left foot out the window. 10. I have vehicles picked out for each of my close friends that I will purchase for them if I ever win a major lottery.(john gets an aston martin vanquish, andrew gets a brand new STI, jason gets an audi R8, heather gets a phantom, tim gets a 998...etc etc..)
  24. bummer, ride safe everyone.
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