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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I'm not a fan of the ignore button, if you can't face opinions that are contrary to your own, you don't belong on a public internet forum.
  2. I hate radio, so the reception issues don't matter to me,I use music on device
  3. No, I wanted him interrogated and investigated, not let go on because he said "the other guy started it, and had it coming" I don't think he should have followed martin, and I don't think he should have pulled a gun on him... but I'm all for him getting a fair trial.
  4. I agree with alzheimers speed, that guy is a talented rider.
  5. psst... joke (it really is a celebrity look-alike reference)
  6. Never had an aspiration to build something yourself? I wanted to build something like a solotrek or an early version springtail... I have an engineering degree, I understand physics, what makes this such an insurmountable task? Now as for Martin/Zimmerman, I think we've all speculated about as much as possible, let it go to court, let the facts come out, let the jury decide if he's guilty, and let the judge sentence him if required... There isn't much else to say.
  7. Hollywood stock exchange HSX.com
  8. This^ Personally id just go for a cheap drive, good for backup
  9. what's best is watching the drunk pirates argue about how slow they can ride...
  10. yeah, of course that was back in 08 when i had quite a few speeders on my record and I was under 25, so the price may have gone down...
  11. after i got my quote of $2200/yr for full coverage on my XX, I said forget full coverage, I'm paying cash for my toys and liability so I'm legal... $100/yr for all 3 of the bikes in the garage
  12. should I bait exarch into an argument about Plasma VS LCD VS LED next?
  13. *Starts chant* Boo-Sa, Boo-Sa, Boo-Sa, Boo-Sa, Boo-Sa, Boo-Sa... no seriously, a SV650 is a great option, even if is a squidzooki...
  14. what's with this joint birthday thread crap? LOL, HBD gaiz
  15. His nickname is turtle... its not some celeb look alike, its because he makes snails look fast...
  16. hasn't been the case here, not sure if that is an option or not. (any LEOs want to chime in?) Know a guy who has gotten 3 tickets for this already, didn't have his helmet on the bike either, just shrugged, signed the ticket, paid it and kept riding.
  17. and you would be completely wrong... for the same resolution, progressive is better than interlaced....because with progressive you repaint every pixel on every refresh, interlaced you only repaint half of the pixels with every refresh... not only do you have it backwards, but if your screen gets large enough (50" and up) you can absolutely tell the difference. 32" or smaller, probably not... 40-42 is sketchy, but you can sometimes tell..
  18. magley64

    Yeah right!!!!

    could have been an uncorked flying couch....
  19. magley64

    Yeah right!!!!

    i agree with wikipedia, but it definitely depends on how much water was actually on the surface...you can only displace so much so fast.
  20. I've never heard of a rave bike... good for 48 hours of techno music and extacy?
  21. magley64

    Yeah right!!!!

    I think your contact patch is on the right track, but remember that sport bikes weigh MUCH less than cars do, so even when you take into consideration the force of gravity being focused over a smaller area, it still isn't a whole lot more. you would still get to a speed eventually (and I'm still guessing WAY before 190) wher the water would not move out of the way fast enough, and you would climb on top... of course this depends on how hard it's raining, the contour of the road for how thick the water is on the surface, etc... but if you're riding in a 1/4 inch deep puddle, I don't think it would take that much speed at all to get off of the pavement...
  22. THIS! My XX feels like a scalpel on the road compared to my g/f's standard which feels more like a half melted plastic knife... hers is plenty comfortable to sit on, but the control is nowhere near as precise.
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