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Everything posted by magley64

  1. and how does a bullet achieve that? by mortally wounding the would-be attacker...
  2. you think that kawi can keep up with his JIXXAR!
  3. i guess there isn't much more "neutral" than dead is there?
  4. do you wear a helmet in your car? on an airplane? at your local restaurant? wear your helmet to bed, and in the shower?
  5. there are several new tazers on the market, research them yourself.
  6. if they need it that badly, they can have it... keys are in the ignition as we speak.
  7. yes, the judge did in fact issue that suggestion... not that it mattered, 90% of the population here is into hunting, so they already have guns.
  8. wow... that's upwards of 2 crimes a day on average... in the whole county:rolleyes: (largest in the state) guess i better start packing my machine gun...
  9. I disagree with your premise... I haven't met any "evil" people... I've met people who do things that are illegal, I've met people who don't think about the consequences before they act, and I've met people who have little empathy for how their decision effects others, but I've never met an "evil" person.
  10. really? cause that is what we use for our floor associates as protection from their razor knives... seems to work pretty well, and it's just a thin apron...
  11. then they are using the wrong tool... guns put holes in shit, that's what they do... if you want to talk about neutralizing, there are several new devices on the market that interfere with the electrical impulses in the nervous system, effectively causing someone to be unable to control their muscles. there are also some new devices that emit high frequency waves that effectively do the same thing. there are ways of neutralizing threatening people without putting holes in them.
  12. I'm a lover not a fighter... lucky for me I'm in one of the safest places on the planet, and I don't have any enemies. also, nobody has any reason (that I can think of) to attack me...
  13. I can think of no other reason, it's not like it makes donuts....
  14. Hadn't thought of race starting, but lights work just as effectively... correct, vest wouldn't do much for attacks to the head, but should easily stop a knife if it stops a bullet in the same area, right?
  15. so correct my statement... what else is this device designed for other than to mame injure and kill? (cause fear of mame, injure, kill)
  16. I obviously don't know much about guns, don't really need to know that much... What are they designed to do? Damage things by placing large holes in them. What is the result when used on a living organism? Severe bodily injury, and depending on location, death. There is no other reason to carry a gun on your person. Your intent is clear, you're not carrying for self defense, that would be a bulletproof vest, you're carrying simply to injure or kill someone. Now if you're just going along minding your own business, and someone attacks you, by all means, they took their life into their own hands. On the other hand, if you go out of your way to harass someone, then can't handle the response, that's a shitty reason to pull a gun on someone.
  17. I thought that article was fairly well written, and addressed some of the facts I had questioned. Given it is pretty biased but I think its obvious enough, and just because the author has come to an obvious conclusion doesn't mean his facts are wrong.
  18. anything you do to appease him you do out of the kindness of your own heart... Legally he has no recourse. Similar issue here, sold a z24 to a guy down the street, told him I didn't know much about the car, but it seemed to drive fine. he took it home, and 2 days later he called me telling me that it wouldn't shift out of first. He was not threatening, or rude in any way, just asked if i knew anything about it, or if i could help somehow. I researched it, and it was a nylon gear in the trans. I clearly stated "sold as is", but I thought 2 days was a little iffy, so I went over and put a new governor in it for him free of charge. Had he been rude or threatened to sue me, I'd have told him to eat shit.
  19. i have similar feelings towards guys riding their 18 y.o. girlfriends around with a tank top and shorty shorts, yeah you look like a pimp or whatever, but whe you screw up she's gonna need reconstructive surgery.
  20. "past" and when are we racing? oh yeah i have almost double your engine displacement, that shouldn't be a problem should it? maybe i'll unplug one of my spark plugs to even the score...
  21. thanks for sharing some miles and some laughs.
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