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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I don't think so, R&R posts didn't add to your count IIRC
  2. yeah, this guy is a contradiction in terms, next post he'll be telling us all how pious and saintly he is as he was shooting lots of demons with his vast array of guns...
  3. and now you look like an angry alien....
  4. I took a bee to the neck last week... I was rocking the throttle pretty hard getting on the freeway, and thought it was a piece of gravel at high speed, then it started to burn...
  5. You guys are all a bunch of fags, I ride down dirt roads at dusk at $1.85 behind gravel trucks with nothing on but a smile...
  6. (Same as the rep I left) Kudos to you, living the spirit of your faith, not a slave to the dogma of it's hierarchy.
  7. not me, I don't give a shit, you can ride with me until you do something stupid that endangers me or the people I'm riding with. If the police pull you over and you have no license/insurance, that's your ass, and I have no problem riding off into the sunset, leaving your ass to the police. I'm nobody's babysitter, I'm not a police officer. I'm responsible for me, you be responsible for you...
  8. Yep, that sounds like rupert murdoch...
  9. Ride in the back of the truck while sitting on it making motorcycle noises like "smoke"
  10. Please let the record show that jeremy is roman catholic...
  11. Similar, but no, not the same. Hospital visitation, tax filing, insurance sharing, and next of kin don't fall under llc
  12. ^ my point earlier Christians should not be concerned with this "sin" as it is on equal footing with bacon, lobster, shaving and tatoos. If those are fine, then this is fine as well... Jews may continue to gripe about it if they are orthodox.
  13. Clearly, I am not a zoologist, nor am I an animal behavior specialist. Therefore I have no reasonable course than to trust the pronouncements of those dilligent men and women who actually go out and do the work, spend countless hours studying and documenting the behavior of our planet's diverse lifeforms. Are you a zoologist? Biologist? Animal behavior specialist? Bruce Bagemihl is a biologist, and patiently researched a large number of peer reviewed studies done by a number of other biologists... It is not necessarily "true" because it's on the internet... but the evidence supports it because those peer reviewed studies were supported by other peer reviewed studies.....
  14. Kinda like calling fonzie back from your work phone?
  15. Yes, you're welcome... Well documented in over 500 species, observed in three times that many, and obviously occurs when we aren't observing, so is far more prevalent than you think... http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior
  16. If you're speaking about "nature" there are examples of homosexual relationships all over in nature, through nearly every species. Some species get to pick their gender, and will switch from male to female at will. Humans are not so lucky. So if you were a homosexual west african frog, you could just switch your gender for reproductive purposes, then switch it back for identity purposes... with no effect at all on evolution.
  17. in honor of this thread, i have changed my sig pic.
  18. I don't care what the legal term is as long as the rights are all the same... unfortunately the state has already used the term "marriage"... I'm all for the individual churches having the right to deny marriage to anyone they want based on whatever dogma they have(as they do now.. I can't be married in a catholic church, as an atheist), but the state has no right to discriminate. Also as I've posted already, churches have already done gay marriages in the past, and there are several progressive churches that would do it today, let those churches have control over what marriages they do or don't want to perform.
  19. yes, because sheep can sign the marriage license...
  20. My g/f is indecisive... lol, now she wants to keep it, lol.
  21. Available for sale... Will update pics later this weekend. 700 for ORDN members, listing on CL for 900 this weekend. Backpack found something she likes better.
  22. that's sick! Did you use that nos? Was it cherry or grape flavored? Did you have that swiss cheese frame mod done?
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