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Everything posted by magley64

  1. ha, ok... I was the leader in a group of 5, we cut through my usual "fun route" thompson rd, ravenna rd, 6, wilson mills, chagrin river, and through the metroparks... i led a similar group a couple weeks ago, maybe some of them will remember next time so I don't have to be leader....lol
  2. Sorry, I can't bring myself to vote for psychopathic dipshits like Bachman or palin, empty suits like Romney or Santorum or god forbid W-2 "the revenge" GWB on steroids that is Rick perry. The ONLY way I vote GOP is Ron Paul.
  3. i asked this question on RODO... paul is the only republican possibility that will make the 2012 election a difficult choice for me... if paul goes third ticket, i gotta back obama, but if he gets the red nomination, then i'm probably voting for him.
  4. krippin virus, hasn't anyone else seen "I am legend?"
  5. me too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biPHAS9OiTQ
  6. http://travel.yahoo.com/p-interests-40553241
  7. i'm with you, tell the rest of the world to solve their own fucking problems, bring our troops home, and give them real jobs.
  8. OMFG, can we get a mod to split this shit? People that doubt natual evolution, make me doubt natural evolution... no no, it was not natural evolution of cells driven by survival of the fittest, and natural pressures to change adapt, and survive that caused the diversity of life we have today.... yes, it was a magical sky fairy, that created eveything, including himself, then got bored, and picked out a lonely ball in the middle of nowhere to make new friends (literally) then got mad when these beings he created wouldn't listen to him because of character flaws HE built them with, banished them to a life of pain, then had sex with one to give birth to himself just so he could appease himself by sacrificing his human form to himself... that sounds much more plausible.
  9. I'm proud to be an american, but I'm not a lemming, and I'm not blind. I know my country has it's flaws, it's hipocricy, and it's antiquated ideals, but it is MY country. If I felt that the bad about my country outweighed the good, I would leave; Plain and simple. I have no issues with the original version of the pledge, but the mccarthyist version needs to go. Also, we need to ask this pledge of our citizens, not our infants. as for my patriotism coming into question...If war broke out tomorrow, and I were asked to serve, I would pick up whatever arms were required (and you all probably know my feelings about guns in general by now) and proudly fight for the safety of my family, and my home, in my country. I didn't volunteer for service as a job, as some of you have, because I thought I was better suited for other jobs. But don't think for a second that I wouldn't stand shoulder to shoulder with other americans in a time of need to do whatever it takes to secure this country, my home. Paid or unpaid.
  10. I have first hand experience. When I was in 2nd grade I actually considered what the pledge was. Every morning we were required to stand and repeat in unison. After watching a documentary on brainwashing, I asked my mother if the pledge was one of those brainwashing techniques. After thinking about it for a moment she said "yes, it could be considered a form of brainwashing." I then asked her if I could refuse. She told me that it was my choice, and as long as I minded my manners, and did so respectfully I could politely decline to participate. Let's just say a war broke out, I rapidly found myself in the principal's office, and shortly thereafter the superintendent was involved... I eventually won, and was allowed to opt-out, but it did cause a major uproar, and I definitely felt pressured to simply comply.
  11. Your kid, your choice, your problem. When you're talking about school administrators and public educators, their say is limited.
  12. And what "exactly" does the mccarthyist version of a pledge "teach" per se? I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America, and to the republic for which it stands. One nation (under god) indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Apparently one of the liberties for all isn't the choice to swear your allegiance to whoever or whatever you choose. And just because something may or may not have value does not mean it needs to be dictated by law.
  13. i hope it fails... I say first amendment trumps your speudo-patriotic-brainwashing-hitler-mantra... freedom of speech including lack of speech.
  14. if you need a magnet for tripping lights, this one should trip every sensor within a couple miles... lol http://unitednuclear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=70_80&products_id=285
  15. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=68935&highlight=computer+case
  16. iirc, this whole thread is a repost, but it's still fun...
  17. dammit, I don't want to be mayan... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cival
  18. strictly street, mr anderson, and djisle.... jus sayin'
  19. I'm opposed to limiting free speech any further than honest threats/harassment/etc as already dictated by law. if someone posts a trike for sale, I want the freedom to say "trikes are trash" even if i choose not to exercise that freedom, I still want it.
  20. I think the biggest problem with Ron Paul is that he will never be elected president. I hope I am wrong, and he is the only candidate on the right that I would consider voting for over the president in '12.
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