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Everything posted by magley64

  1. there's your problem... mopar means moron j/k, had to get a jab in there.
  2. depending on how things go, I imagine 2020 will have an operable prototype.
  3. Part of the reason I asked for their input... scratch their heads and ask me what it is? then laugh when i say bicycle with very large air conditioning unit. not a joke, an actual aspiration, who doesn't want to fly sometimes? my thoughts' date=' but local cops are responsible for enforcement, would they call federal agens who would fly out and intercept? i've seen personal choppers at 50 hp, i think a modern 600cc would be sufficient, and a modern 1000 would be ample, but yes I was thinking aluminum bike motor as well love it unfortunately I cannot imagine it being done by then. (maybe not even started)
  4. I'm thinking something like this.... http://www.life.com/image/1722466
  5. I could crash and die, I could chop my head off with spinning blades, I could cut a fuel line and burn up in mid air....
  6. very clean fab work, I have those same lights on my lil bugger. It's not as ugly as likwid suggested, besides viffers are s'pose to be ugly, that's half their charm.
  7. I'm considering designing and building my own personal aircraft. I am curious how law enforcement would react to a small personalized aircraft. Capable of point to point transport via VTOL and a rheudamentary 3 wheel drive system for moving about on the ground (maybe even bicycle based ground movement) I live in a small township a dozen miles from a small town. My intent for building this craft is for personal transport to town and other places that are short range trips nearby. If I were to build such a contraption, and fly it, how would local law enforcement react? would I be tracked down and arrested, or ignored? (assuming I don't crash, land in parking lots, don't invade airport airspace, etc etc...) I'd particularly like to hear from the leos on the board, but everyone's comments are welcome of course.
  8. yeah, seriously, the beat's not anything new or groundbreaking, but sounds good. Lyrics are not entirely clever, but catchy none the less. The track could do without the little usher sound alike in the background. not bad
  9. lol, wut? he's only ever had 4 songs hit #1... He's not even all that clever, kinda like a pdiddy copy-cat. "here, i'll sample this hit song, say yeah, and what? over top, and release it as a new song"
  10. I could care less if it's a "Vanilla Ice diss", I like the song. (although it could do without the melodious "lets goo yeah, ohh yea" or whatev in the background) I didnt know jay-z was all that big anyway, wasn't his last big hit "big pimpin"?
  11. Obviously the picture was a reference to doc brown discovering time travel, but the quote was a reference to... Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason Why Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent To blow up King and Parliament. Three-score barrels of powder below To prove old England's overthrow; By God's providence he was catch'd With a dark lantern and burning match. Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring. Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
  12. I agree, V for Vendetta was/is great.
  13. sucks for my bottom line, but helps with my credit. (especially if I get hired permanent)
  14. it's another temp job, and pays the same as unemployment (less after fuel expenses) but at least i'll be employed again.
  15. both my bikes are products of mother honda in japan. 2 of dad's bikes are as well.
  16. guess that's up to the public to decide, I like this track.
  17. Mc Hammer Is now King Hammer. not a bad track, just skip to 1:20, the intro kinda sucks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbYvRslfBug
  18. yay, nonsense in numbers the same could be said for christianity causing murder and rape (higher proportion population of christians in prison for muder and rape than in society)
  19. to answer the question, yes it is, fairings and tail are a dead giveaway.
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