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Everything posted by magley64

  1. count me in, too...I haven't had an excuse to open up the XX this year yet...
  2. it IS my fault.... i knew it would come to that eventually. but the baby appears to be falling down a "up" escalator...it never hits the ground.
  3. and partly due to the admin who cracked them apart to begin with.... the world is upside down.
  4. that probabaly belongs in the "other" busagirl intro thread
  5. most of this stuff was harmless..it wasn't a complete fail of an intro thread...
  6. running joke... (some people on this site don't believe a bike over 1000 cc has the ability to change direction, and can only go straight) and is it the bike turning heads, or the female on the seat? hmm?
  7. Don't let the leg-humping scare you away... Nice bike! (does it turn?) enjoy the site!
  8. magley64

    On my soap box.

    ordn noob playbook... 1. Intro thread (most people anyway) 2. complain about lack of PMing ability 3. complain about negative rep 4. catch on, share, enjoy some don't make it to step 2 before getting their e-feelings hurt, some skip a step, but usually this is the way it goes down.
  9. magley64


    case by case basis... i like to think i can tell if i'm being lied to... If i feel they are a worthy cause, i'll hand them a couple bucks... If i feel they are lying they get a "sorry, can't help you" Obviously some people are better at lying than others, so if they lie to me and get away with it, then i am paying them for their acting skills.
  10. magley64

    On my soap box.

    But you do, otherwise you wouldn't have read and responded.
  11. magley64

    On my soap box.

    I think you are exxagerating the "abuse" it's just rep...people give you rep for statements they agree on, they give you negative for statments they disagree on. I've been a member here for over a year, and when the "rep" thing started, I was in the negative because many people disagreed with me on a thread I started. No big deal, I recovered...you can, too.
  12. I'm not saying you shouldn't... I'm just saying the arguments about it taking too long are not necessarily valid in most situations. that is all...please continue to carry your weapons as you see fit. (just don't shoot me)
  13. if the perp has a weapon drawn on you already, he's going to have the opportunity to shoot you before you draw, chambered or not...I'd concede a knife scenario in SOME situations...
  14. seriously? admittedly, I'm not the most knowledgeable person on the subject of firearms...but does it honestly take you THAT long to pull the slide as you're drawing your weapon?
  15. my browser keeps messing up when i try to view, but thanks for telling me where it is.
  16. nope no biggie, i could see how it might have come of as excessive. where did you find that stat? only thing i can find is top posters of the month...
  17. i got one for excessive leg humping...
  18. and now he has a gold star (somehow looks less impressive than 4 silver and 4 bronze though)
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