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Everything posted by magley64

  1. FIFY... Seriously, the only way that would be cool is for halloween...
  2. I didn't go to mid oh... but I did ride my bike in a tuxedo like i was james bond...
  3. he doesn't care, he's a traitor, went to the I-4
  4. ahh kasumi, she enjoys origami and fortune telling.
  5. Yep, got it for a steal, too. $5500 included the akra exhaust, PC2, corbin seat, 2 new shoei RF1000's, ZG windscreen, LED undertail, and hugger.
  6. You should take the turn signals out...they are just for decoration anyway...
  7. welcome...yeah dweezel is a good rep for the site...(as long as you don't ride HD, LOL)
  8. you could also heat it up with some torches and bend it out a little
  9. that was my dad's rule... "you can ride it when you can pick it up" he layed the 550 on it's side one summer and said "go for it", I righted it, put it on the stand and made a deal to trade him the tecumseh for it...
  10. hell yes, you think your r6 can hit a corner hard...tron bikes do 90 degree angles bishez
  11. so they are changing the name? a skyscraper by any other name...not to get all shakespeare on you
  12. right click, save, open, zoom...chuckle a little cause i'm conservative...delete
  13. my first bike was a 5hp tecumseh minibike...I was 6 and couldn't get NEAR touching the ground (i could barely reach the pegs) so I put a cement block in the yard and learned to stop with one of the pegs on it. my first "motorcycle" I got when i was 12, It was a Kawasaki 550 LTD (like strictly street's) It had no title, due to a bonfire accident years before i got possesion.
  14. it coulda been me...I can't tell...
  15. i disagree, if anything it would give more flexibility as you are not limited to a link by link basis...make the front pulley a little bigger, and the rear pulley a little smaller or vice versa..., and the tensioner should give you a good amount of play anyway
  16. you can't change the gearing with a belt? cmon...seriously?
  17. chain drive? i thought zero lash belts were superior.../sarcasm
  18. I'd rock it, but my little sister is getting married, and asked me to be in the wedding... everyone wear headphones and pretend I'm there...(Jrmmiii, that means you better randomly do your turn signal "duck hand" impression to remind me about my turn signals)
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