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Everything posted by magley64

  1. No, what I'm saying is that the technology is cheap... it doesn't have to cost the factory that much to make one. If it becomes mandatory, they can get it done for $50.But even if it is $200, that's a drop in the bucket on a new car...
  2. That's fine if you want to spend that much, but there are already several on the market sub $50 so it can be done...
  3. No, that's retail price for one of these units... after engineering, components, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, and profits...
  4. Whoopty doo.... Mandate something that is already becoming a standard in the market... If this comes to fruition it will be for manufacturers, not individuals... A camera and a screen will add a whopping $50 to that new car you just spent $18,000 to $75,000 dollars on... Who cares?
  5. i gotta pull the gas tank to get to the filter... not a practical field repair... The xx has a decent system for keeping water out of the engine. The raim air nostrils under the headlight feed a separator in the air box, water will drain out for quite a while... during fonzies wet river ride i was afraid i had a coolant leak because so much water was draining out of the bike when we stopped...it just kept flowing.
  6. Yes kill all the intrudes, all your guests, and the family you were trying to protect, no witnesses!!!!!
  7. I'm kinda with scott, i don't feel passionately about it... but if i had my druthers, we would leave it up to the rider to decide what gear he needs to wear in a given situation.
  8. I didn't say anything about a slippery slope, I'm just asking why should some gear be required by law, to protect ones self and not the rest of the gear many of us decide to wear? eye protection is in it's own category IMO because if you can't see, you can't operate a motorcycle safely, but you can certainly operate a motorcycle safely without a shell around your skull...
  9. Guaranteed to kill me? then i must be dead... I have dropped motorcycles several times and i can tell you that most crashes did not involve my head... most of them involved my shoulder, and my back... mostly cause i'm screwing around in the yard trying to get better at wheelies (during which i don't wear a helmet) In fact, the only time i do wear a helmet is when i plan to ride my bike faster than 40 mph... Also, whether my car has seat belts or airbags is none of your business either.
  10. that'll give you some monkey butt...
  11. based on what's written in that article...i'm with the majority.... but what is the rest of the story?
  12. might be first after today... 22nd century group shot up again..
  13. So why stop there? If helmets are mandated, why not mandate leather jackets, leather gloves, back protectors, goggles, leather pants, boots, a cup, heated jacket liner, ABS system, and an airbag? Especially for children's motorcycles
  14. that's gotta slow down pretty quick after leaving the muzzle.... and I can't imagine accuracy lasts very far away once that thing opens up (just from a physics standpoint).. of course, at somewhat close range, as i suspect this is intended for, it's a hell of an idea. also interesting are the 3 "lethality" levels... you could potentially stack your weapon with a gradient of lethality cool concept.
  15. I never wear a bicycle helmet either...
  16. only a few days out... everyone have your seeds, your tinfoil hats, and your snickers bars?
  17. I'd also lose the yahoo email account... get email hosted from your own domain.
  18. I'm gonna be dropping a ton of pine trees this summer... feel free to come take what you like. the rest will be bonfire kindling.
  19. Fuel oil furnace.... on track to be a 400 gallon year... 2275 sq ft house, also needs insulation, so hopefully next year will be better
  20. glad you had a good time
  21. I can honestly say I do not pay maximum attention all the time. Sometimes I spread my attention to adjusting the radio, or taking a phone call, or having a snack... I 1 hand the wheel, jam out to a cool song, check out cars parked for sale along the road way, and sometimes i stick my foot out the window... I'm still paying attention, and maintain control of my vehicle, but not directing my full attention to the road, 100% of the time. Now when I have my one or all of my nieces and/or nephew in the car, I'm not inclined to suffer those distractions. I direct nearly my full attention to getting my nieces and/or nephew to their destination safely... I check and double check when pulling out into roadways, I have both hands on the wheel, i maintain speed within speed limits, and keep my eyes peeled for any situation that might impede my goal.
  22. everyone knows there is a 50 bomb limit before it's news...
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