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Everything posted by magley64

  1. what, firearms aren't used in shootings? The other School/gun story is in this topic...
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/report-shooting-roswell-middle-school-mexico-suspect-arrested-155746575.html
  3. If superman can't catch bigfoot... who can?
  4. I trust Parks knows his stuff with regard to the laws regarding guns...
  5. Reasonable doubt is great, but "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" doesn't mean the person actually did what was said they did...
  6. you get pulled over by local, or state police, they check your car for drugs... you do your taxes, you send it directly to the IRS
  7. I grabbed backpack's CM450E for a few hundred bucks, but it was in pieces. The PO wrecked it, scared himself, and dismantled it. I put it back together, and got the engine purring... to make it right though, i still need a speedo cable, new triple bearings, new forks, new springs and a new front fender... I still think it was a pretty good deal, but it certainly wasnt a "turn key" bike...
  8. those 13 years could be the 13 BEFORE some new method comes to practice... You get convicted in 1972, DNA can exonerate you, you're executed in 85, just before the practice becomes available... who knows what technological advances we will have in 20 years?
  9. The difference is that marijuana is usually enforced by local police, state police, etc with very little direct enforcement by the feds. The IRS enforces all federal taxes and exemptions.
  10. The difference is that "life in prison" has the option of being changed to "time served" if new evidence comes to light...death penalty doesn't have that luxury.
  11. As a society we clearly aren't better than that (as the death penalty is still widely used). Whether or not we "should be" is a matter of debate. I don't feel particularly strong about the idea of the death penalty as a whole. I don't think it truly acts as a deterrant, as those who commit murder don't typically do so rationally (heat of the moment, or some sort of lapse in mental capacity seem to be the biggest reasons for murder in general). As for "exacting" justice, I've never heard of justice being exacted, revenge sure, but not justice... If the argument is that these people cannot be rehabilitated (or don't deserve to be) then life in prison would be just as effective as the death penalty. As Tonik noted, life in prison can be terminated if evidence later comes to light that a convicted person is in fact innocent. Death penalty (so far) is permanent. Another line of thought would bring one to think that the death penalty might be cheaper (not supporting prisoners personal and medical needs), but based on what i've read it's actually more expensive to execute in the long run. If pressed I'd lean towards the cheaper, and terminable punishment. I'm not a huge proponent of revenge either, so that might color my view some as well... As for the new method of lethal injection... Meh.
  12. Pain, lethality, clean-up with all but the lethal injection and rope (assuming the head doesn't come clean off), you're going to have a nasty clean up to do afterwards...
  13. federal law trumps state law... supremacy clause. Lincoln v. Davis 1861
  14. I'd be hesitant to add anything to the engine case that affects oil flow... but that's just me...
  15. Worn friction plate would get you to a "non-engaged" clutch condition more than a "permanently engaged" condition though, wouldn't it?
  16. Because I understand health care is NOT a commodity, regardless of how much our capitalist overlords would want us to believe it is...
  17. no, it isn't, because if you go to a car dealer, they don't have to sell you a vehicle...or if you already have a vehicle... repair your water pump if you walk into an emergency room with a life threatening injury, they HAVE to treat you... I'm not pleased about the situation either, but i'm not going to pretend it's the same thing when it clearly is not.
  18. again, health care is not equivalent to automobile accessories...
  19. This would be my guess... all of your symptoms suggest that you are not disengaging your clutch, all clutch components external to the bellhousing you've accounted for... all that is left that i can think of is a cracked clutch fork, or dislodged throwout bearing...
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