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Posts posted by magley64

  1. Just now, Tonik said:

    And there we have it.  No viable alternative.  We are close but until we do have that alternative we need oil.  Now, do you want it from Canada or do you want it from Iran?

    Which brings us back on topic.  #ThanksTrump for approving the pipeline so we don't send billions of dollars to people that want to kill Mags.

    I want us to spend the money developing viable alternatives, not building shitty leaky pipes to haul shitty dirty oil. 



  2. 1 hour ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    Leave it in the ground? You bought a new car that runs on oil and is made from oil. You have toys that require oil that you don't need. Hypocrite much?  

    Yes, I use oil, but that doesn't mean I support draining oil from any source, at all costs, or even that given a viable alternative, I wouldn't switch in a heartbeat. 


    Tar sands oil is shit. Leave that shit in the ground. 

  3. Tar sands oil is dirty nasty shit, and pipelines are prone to breaking, when this pipeline breaks, any tar sands oil it leaks will sink in water... It's near impossible to clean up.


    Either build a refinery to process this shit where it's drilled, or leave that nasty shit in the ground.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    I'm curious to know how folks expect the oil to be transported without a pipeline. It's statistically the safest way to move that much oil and produces far less emissions than trucking it ever could. 

    What exactly am I missing? 

    I don't know why people are so opposed to slavery, we're getting cotton picked at a much cheaper price than we ever could if we paid people to pick it... What an I missing?



  5. 5 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    That's great news, there is still ice down there!!  In 2008 Al Gore told us it would all be gone by 2013.  Global Warming disaster averted!!!   Thanks Trump.

    So denial in the face of evidence... OK

    Lemme guess, bronze age goat herders have better climate data?

  6. 3 minutes ago, JustinNck1 said:

    You know them motorcycle things will kill you, at least that's what the experts say. Only way to not be hypocritical about saving the environment is to live in the woods naked, but don't eat the plants, you'll ruin it for future generations. 

    I'd be just as happy on an electric bike charged with solar panels and/or a hydrogen fuel cell...


    We need infrastructure for such projects, drilling more isn't helping.

  7. 34 minutes ago, JustinNck1 said:

    The same way our parents and grand parents told us. You gotta feed your family before you can worry about what might happen 50 years down the road.

    But we know about it, they had no clue 50 years ago...


    You can't breathe money.

  8. Well I don't really have a good prospect for another planet, traveling even as fast as I could with current technology, I'm not reaching another habitable planet in my lifetime. 


    So I'll just have to watch as this one gets less and less habitable, at an increasingly rapid rate.


    Thankfully I don't have any children, so nobody to inherit the Shithole planet we're leaving in our will.

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