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Posts posted by magley64

  1. 8 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    Pence is a piece of shit, though. Not that Hillary is a champion for gay rights, either. This election is still making me double-take. I know folks say I throw away my vote on third party candidates, but if we all did it, we'd have a viable option in no time. We're all too short-sighted, I guess. We're so afraid of compromise that we politic one election at a time. We're also too interested in each other's fucking business. 

    Plus white people fucking suck. Fuckers can't even dance. 

    So did Johnson get his 5% for the next election cycle? I never heard. I know there was something about matching campaign funding there. 

  2. 5 hours ago, 2talltim said:

    Yea this isn't going to happen next year now. My bank account says "no!" So maybe I'll bump this up in a year.

    Good news is that the technology is getting better,  and the price is coming down,  next year it'll be better and cheaper.  win/ win

  3. Had mine done about 5 months ago now,  first month left me with rainbow circles around every light source.  that's faded and my vision is as good as it ever was with glasses.  I went to clear choice in Brecksville. $80/ month on a carecredit card for 5 years. 


    I did well with contacts,  but I had a really big prescription, -7 /-7.5 and contacts higher than 8 are uncommon and expensive. 


    Overall very pleased....

  4. Fuck no, this is the best time to ride! Beautiful colors, no bugs, no sweating, no parades of slow ass fair-weather riders cloggin the roads.

    This state throws too many 50+ degree days at you through the winter to ever pack it up.

    Maybe down south of the state... in the northeast we get permafrost on the roads between late December and early February...

    Hell, we got some -38 Temps last year.

  5. I like this pope, he reminds me most of Jesus in spirit.

    Spending time with criminals, giving away his possessions, working for the poor and marginalized. Focusing on compassion over cannon. I disagree with him about quite a bit but I respect him for walking the walk.

  6. I just wish he would stick to church matters and stay out of politics. Christmas and Easter Catholic here. I don't want to go too often. Scared that the priest will "bad touch" me or some such shit.

    Sent from my SPH-L720T using Tapatalk

    Lol, what "church matters" don't involve politics?

    We've politicized whether scientific facts are really scientific facts, what isn't political anymore?

    He wasn't telling you how to vote, he was telling you how we should live.

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