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Everything posted by warpspeed

  1. I've pretty much accepted the fact that until I'm 25 I'm gonna get raped in the ass on insurance.....i can say progressive is VERY good at handling claims, they are fast.
  2. I stopped in at state farm 2 weeks ago. we are talking getting full coverage w/health insurance. I was under 25 and the only vehicle i was insuring was my r6.....$200 a month. If i was also insuring a car, my rate would have been $100 a month, if i was over 25 my rate would have been way less. I'm sticking with progressive @ $100 a month for full coverage and $25k of health insurance.
  3. I have a caswell plating gun http://www.caswellplating.com/powder/index.html It works pretty good and it's DEF better than the harbor freight gun. I have a large oven I built its like 5' x 28" 24" and a nice almost new large sandblast cabinet & the powder gun.....I'll sell all that for $400. The oven alone cost $400 to build. Only thing you would need is a large aircompressor that will put out 150 psi.
  4. i never saw this b4. i actually believe him when he said he went inside and drank half a bottle of whiskey I would do the same if I wrecked my quad and knew it was gonna take the waambulance 15 minutes to get there and no morphine till I got to the hospital
  5. heh we can't even keep cats around here, between my dog chasing them and them always getting hit on the busy road in front of the house there is never cats around here.....specially since I don't have a show car for them to walk on now
  6. is this detectable by any antivirus software?
  7. will do. what time you thinking about pulling out?
  8. warpspeed

    Dragon's Tail

    lots of cops....ppl crossing center lines all the time.... however I may be going to OBX with some buddies around june so might drag a trailer and the bikes along and hit the dragon on the way.
  9. yea i've noticed on my r6 i been getting 110 miles per tank so far this spring, my norm is 130-140. The plus is that my cost of of gas is half of what it was last summer (was $12 per fill up, now around $6) for prem.
  10. IDENTICAL to the movie theater parking lot I was at when tokyo came out....i drove around the lot before the movie started setting off car alarms with my z28's loud ass exhaust
  11. hmmm....if i go I'll prolly just ride up to tipp and meet up with you guys. Won't know till the last minute if I have to work or not that saturday.
  12. man the next nice sunday we have im coming down there to check out your roads!! you better not have it sold! shoot me a pm with your cell number and I'll give ya a call before i come.
  13. I'm still gonna say ninjanick is the biggest trouble maker on OR!! LOL j/k man
  14. hmmm depends on the cop, don't give them a excuse to pull you over and they shouldn't bother you....like i said it depends on the cop.....this is no bullshit, one of my buddies did 160 and outran a cop on his **GIXXER SQUID BIKE** last week, no permit or anything (he does wear gear and he's getting his permit asap)....but anywho another motorist got his plate numbers and the cop called him and he said if he didn't come in he would have a warrant out for him. Amazingly enough all he got was a 89 in a 65 ticket because thats what he was clocked at. If he wouldn't have came back in he woulda got the book thrown at him. Again this is no bullshit, he's damn lucky. I got fucked riding on permit at night, had to go to court and got a fine and 2 points, wish i woulda fought it.
  15. If I don't have to work that saturday I'll ride along--I want a sweet dyno chart too
  16. Ok i know the iphone kicks ass because I have played with the ipod touch and its almost the same thing---its amazing......BUT what about AT&T??? do they have good coverage and good customer support? right now im leaning towards verizon but having the iphone kinda makes me want at&T
  17. very nice, gratz!! that 750 is sharp i like it
  18. damn im sorry to hear about that. Good luck with the sale.
  19. I love gm and am a chevy guy.....BUT i do ALL my maintenance myself. No way does a stealership touch my stuff. I have a friend that is a good mechanic and he does the major work that i need done (anything more than oil changes/brakes/sparkplugs).
  20. that guy is nucking futs.<<<<<link to video download.
  21. $17? dadgum. I just requested a quote from progressive for a 675, 750, and R1 and I'm gonna stop in the state farm office and request a quote from them hopefully tomorrow. Mine will be higher than $17 though thats for sure.
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