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Posts posted by pocar

  1. wheels off bike. as for price it about the same everywere. I dont know about dustin (I hear good things) or his pricing you might want to check him out. give him a call and see what he can do. if you need help i live off of woodman not far from base. you can remove the wheels here with my stands.

  2. I think it was 2-3 bikes behind me, making it maybe 6-7 bikes back.

    Thats about right. he was 6 I was 7. he was about 4 lengths in front of me and as soon as he hit the last corner and there was the stop sign, he locked up the rear and went left of you guys(as did I)the rear wheel slid to the right and he high sided and the bike rolled once or twice. I don't know if you guys saw buy i was the one who slid into the intersection and almost hit his bike. I Jumped off my bike and was in such a hurry to go check on him my kickstand wasn't all the way down and I about droped the bike lol.

    It sound like hes ok but hopefully he will get on here and post up. he was up almost instantly but his adrenaline was probably pumping pretty hard.

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