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Posts posted by pocar

  1. Kimbo needs more than good ground skills, he needs better striking skills. His stand up still seems to be mediocre at best.

    kimbo looked like shit. all skills need improved. his stand up is better than his ground skills. he wins fights on his feet. but ive always said when he fight someone with acutal skill he will lose. and it happend. more than once. with the right training and a lot of it, he could be a contender, but it will take a lot of time and work.

  2. As much as I detest Dana White, there is no fucking way Kimbo fights Lesnar. Zuffa would be shooting themselves in the foot by letting that match happen. At least Brock had the decency to have a winning record before Zuffa sold out and made him the poster boy. Kimbo has been exposed..more than once...for having -0- ground game.

    I don't see Kimbo-Mir/Lesnar being that big of a draw...honestly.

    I agree kimbo would get killed by either of these fighters. he needs ground skills or hes done. he would only stand a chance against other brawlers. going to the ground is not a opition for him with someone in his weight class, he will lose every time from what was shown last night.

  3. wu is still makin music just relased an album this year called chamber music, its not the greatest but i still like it. they will never top wu tang forever or 36 chambers. ghost face has been releasing shit like crazy. and rakwon and meth have still be putting out music, but yes they stay in the underground. they still tour too. I saw them 3 years ago in detriot at the rock the bells tour, everyone was there but ODB of course.

  4. This is a sad story but it could have been worse, at least you still alive. sounds like you have a very positive attitude. although we have never met if you need anything let me know. im sure everyone on here would not hesitate to lend a helping hand. hang in there and never give up hope.

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