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Everything posted by pocar

  1. " I cant some weed in my own house"? " No you can't".
  2. I saw that you guys ride together alot but I never stood up and hey wait for me. But I do hope to meet up with you guys this year. Ill keep my eyes out for some group ride post from you guys. I have a couple buddys that ride also, I do most of my riding with them but they are always done for a big group ride. one is on this fourm also but all he has is a blackberry and it wont let him post. I had to sign him up.
  3. thank you my good man. right back at ya

  4. that has to be a joke. but either way its funny
  5. welcome. where in beavercreek are you. Im off of indian ripple.
  6. pocar

    Dayton in April

    where are you staying
  7. pocar

    02 gsxr 750

    C:\Documents and Settings\JASON\My Documents\My Pictures\Picture\DSC00065.JPG
  8. pocar


    From the album: 02 gsxr 750

  9. pocar


    From the album: 02 gsxr 750

  10. pocar


    From the album: 02 gsxr 750

  11. this is what i use. works great http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/5-Led-Pod-light-WHITE-Car-boat-motorcycle-U-PICK-color_W0QQitemZ200302374844QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item200302374844&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A64%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  12. welcome to the site and to the dayton area
  13. He liked the taste of holyfields ear.
  14. pocar

    bo fo' sho'

    That was funny as hell.
  15. I saw this on the news. thats some crazy stuff
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