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Posts posted by justin0469

  1. http://www.bigstupididiot.com/2009/03/10-pictures-that-give-douchebags-bad.html

    10 Pictures That Give Douchebags A Bad Name

    >> Tuesday, March 24, 2009

    Let's face it, we all hate Douchebags. We hate their orange spray tans, the fact they wear sunglasses in the clubs and the basic douchebaggery that goes along with the moniker. But perhaps it's just the few Douchebags we know. Could it be the Douchebags we see only represent the bad apples, and there are several thousand douchebags who are toleratable? Even more so, likable? Here are 10 pictures that give douchebags a bad name.


    10. The Plastic Douchebag - The guy who is covered with more lacquer and hair spray than Tammy Faye Baker. We hate you.


    9. The 'Too Many Collars" Guy - If you're wearing every polo you own all at once, we hate you.


    8. The "See My Stomach" Guy - Let's see, two beautiful women and you'd rather touch yourself. We hate you.


    7. Grandpa Douchebag - If there is more leather under your leather, not only do we hate you but we pity you as well.


    6. Olan Mills Douchebags - Impromptu camera phone pics we hate enough, but to pose your douchebaggery in a kiddie studio, we hate you.


    5. Wiggles Douchebags - The divirsity and color configuration is great if you're entertaining 5 year olds. Your douchebaggery fails and we hate you.


    4. The "It's All About Me" Guy - Hi! I'm an abusive, self absorbed, alcoholic. We hate you.


    3. Ruining Your Girlfriend - It's sad enough you resemble a piece of beef jerky, but when you make your girlfriend follow your douchebaggery, we hate you.


    2. The Constant Kissy Face - Stop! We hate you.


    1. This Guy - When your douchebaggery is televised for all to see and you really have no clue that all of America thinks you're a twat, we hate you. God we hate you!

    After looking at these pics we have come to the conclusion that there are no good douchebags, and if you are one... we hate you.

    Why are there semi-attractive women around these douchebags?

  2. sex-sells.jpg

    3 economy boxes of condoms......40 euros

    Flowers for your upset wife.....45 euros

    Get paid to impregnate neighbor's wife because husband is sterile, find out YOU are sterile after bangin her 72 times and convincing your wife "it's not enjoyable for you either", finding out your kids aren't yours AND getting sued for the $2,500 you made for bangin your neighbors wife....priceless

  3. Admittedly, this is the first race I've watch this season but last I remember, there was just a couple Buells in the race and the were in the LAST 5. Now Danny Eslik is riding a Buell out front???? Everyone says it has more to do with the rider than the bike but there are other riders out there that are trailing pretty far behind right from the start - Jamie Hacking on his Kawi and Jake Zemke on the Suzuki

    And since when do they do rolling starts??

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