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Posts posted by justin0469

  1. hmmm, interesting. kinda skeptical though. nothing in life is free. maybe they are just going to overload me with junk mail or something....

    edit: I did it anyways. After I signed up, it showed this page that makes me wonder how old that is:



    Thank you for subscribing to a one-year (12-issue) free subscription to Motorcyclist, compliments of ROADGEAR!

    As a valued ROADGEAR e-Newsletter reader, we would like to offer you a special limited time offer. Click on Return to Homepage, start shopping, place an order, and we'll give you $10.00 off any order totaling $50.00 or more!

    Orders totaling $250.00 or more, additionally qualify for a free T-shirt (color and size—your choice) or our best selling Ready-to-Go Hi-Tec Digital Tire Gauge (valued at $19.90 each!)

    But hurry, these are limited-time offers, to be redeemed no later then 10:30 PM (MST) Monday, July 7, 2008.

  2. February 17, 2009 6:47 AM PST

    Universal cell phone chargers coming soon

    by Marguerite Reardon

    BARCELONA--After I've spent years scrounging through drawers looking for the right charger and kicking myself every time I forgot my charger while traveling, the mobile industry has finally decided to make one device that can juice up any cell phone.


    The Micro-USB connector used on this Motorola cell phone charger will soon be the standard for all chargers.

    (Credit: Motorola)

    On Tuesday, the GSMA trade association announced at its 2009 Mobile World Congress here that it has brokered a deal with the world's leading handset makers to come up with a standard for charging cell phones.

    All the major handset makers, including, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson, have agreed to use the Micro-USB technology as the common universal charging interface, Rob Conway, GSMA CEO, said during the opening keynote speech Tuesday. By 2012, the GSMA promises, most cell phones will use the same kind of connector to charge their batteries.

    Seventeen mobile operators, including Vodafone, Orange, and Telofonic, announced they are committed to implementing the standard for the universal mobile phone charger.

    The GSMA said that going to this single standard will not only make life easier for the more than 3 billion mobile phone users in the world today, but it will also help the environment.

    Conway said that the GSMA will push cell phone manufacturers to develop chargers that consume about 50 percent less power. The organization also believes that eliminating the need for people to replace lost chargers will significantly reduce greenhouse gases emitted in the manufacturing and transporting of these extra chargers. It will also mean less waste in landfills because people won't simply throw away chargers when they stop using their old phones.

    All in all, it's huge win for the planet and for me--the consumer. It's such a no-brainer. It makes you wonder why no one thought of this sooner.

    Originally posted at 3GSM blog


  3. interface_610x468.jpg

    MIT Media Lab graduate student Pranav Mistry demonstrates the Wear Ur World device, which would free data from the confines of paper or screen.

    (Credit: MIT)

    Step aside, Apple and Microsoft. If MIT's little Sixth Sense gadget sees the commercial light of day, we can toss our multitouch devices out the window. Who needs a Surface or an iPhone when the very idea of being able to access information by turning any flat surface into a touch-screen display sounds far more appealing? No surface available? Simply project a screen onto your hand, and voila. Shades of Minority Report?

    minorityreport_500x333_270x179.jpg In Minority Report, Tom Cruise draws information from a glove-controlled interactive wall.

    (Credit: 20th Century Fox)

    The folks at MIT have christened their wearable prototype Wear Ur World (WUW), a device cobbled together using everyday gizmos like a mobile projector, Webcam, and mobile phone. Hopefully, when the final product does ship, it'll reveal a sleeker, less clunky rendition without the colored finger bands, and one that has a discreet mode for when you need to access information privately.

    As a demonstration of its capabilities, the wearer can draw a circle on his wrist, prompting the gadget to project a digital clock face, especially great for the myopic.

    In the near future, WUW could become an indispensible digital wrist companion to enhance your lifestyle. It could provide product and price comparison information when shopping, retrieve flight information to let the wearer know about delays, automatically pull up related information from the Web when requested, and even snap pictures when you frame a subject with your fingers.

    Too bad the Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) Web site hasn't yet uploaded a video of Dr Pattie Mae's recent TED presentation. Fortunately, here's one from Wired.com.


    Watch the video too, it's pretty crazy.


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