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Posts posted by justin0469

  1. Top 10 Hard to Believe Facts About Insects

    April 20, 2009

    Insects are efficient and compassionate, ruthless and amazingly intelligent at the same time. Lonesome Polecat, our resident insect expert, has come up with a few bug facts are very, very odd.


    Top 10 Hard to Believe Facts About Insects

    Certain types of grasshoppers and crickets have their ears on their front legs.

    292634601_68f77c905f.jpgphoto: myriorama

    Only three kinds of animals fight battles in formations: humans, crows and ants.

    2369712446_864cc3e7e0.jpgphoto: Kamran Ahmed

    There are wasp species that specialize in hunting other dangerous predators ( Praying Mantis, Black-bellied Tarantula).

    2598290224_66403cdc73.jpgphoto: ashepherd

    Mosquitoes ( the disease-carrying ones) have killed more human beings than all the wars in history combined.

    170729124_0d5833f242.jpg photo: smcann

    Houseflies can taste with their feet ( they have taste buds on them).

    3350035394_995cf2c5c6.jpgphoto: coffee_bee

    Some wasps sleep ( and even hibernate for months) while hanging by their teeth.

    299799473_f168a85647.jpgphoto: myriorama

    African termite mounds can be 40 feet high and use an intricate system of ventilation shafts to control the temperature inside.

    2854860378_7e0f5d5fb6.jpgphoto: cliff1066

    Indian moon moths are able to smell the pheromones of a potential mate over 6 miles away.

    2631421417_f7a91e9ebc.jpgphoto: goldenorfe

    Termite queens will lay up to 30,000 eggs a day, and they live for many years.

    2778318359_4651098834.jpgphoto: J.N. Stuart

    Larvae of one type of midge ( a tiny mosquitoe-like insect) can survive for 3 days in liquid nitrogen. The temperature of liquid nitrogen is -321 degrees Fahrenheit.

    2295805107_2c7a724863.jpgphoto: nebarnix

  2. I MIGHT (pending decision about Hocking trip this weekend) be going to that big (25-30 ppl estimated) Dayton meet up on Sunday. Anyone from Cbus going that want to ride together? I posted in the thread for it but got nothing so I'm assuming I'll be alone :(

    I've only been on a few small rides and am kinda weary about big groups but I'd like to try it at least once. I'm more of a conservative rider.

  3. False Advertising!!! Should have been Female Celebrity Crushes of the 90s...

    ha well on a male dominated site, it's implied. if you start a thread with guy crushes, then you have to put male celebrity crushes of the 90s. just the way it is :dunno::D

    you could put slater in your thread


  4. WOW! gives cops everywhere a bad rap. Surprised he didn't start rodney king beating too.. what a d bag
    wow what a cock.
    Wow. Holy First Amendment right violation' date=' Batman!![/quote']
    What they said... whatta dick move.
    cop was a dbag... and is now paying the price.
    Cop just fucked up all over the tv. Now' date=' we don't know what happened prior to him scaling the fence but from what I saw it was a case of blatant abuse of power. Unfortunately, this guy makes cops everywhere look like fuckwads.[/quote']



  5. haha, i try!

    some of these are STILL crushes....or more like "i'd like to crush their pussy" (if you've seen the Hearbreak Kid, you know where I got that) - like Tiffani Amber Thiessen, Cameron Diaz and Christina Applegate! Doesn't the pink power ranger look like natalie portman?

  6. So after buying a bazzaz fuel unit i went up to Dynotune to see Brian and he was kind enough to help me install it and figure that out. Brian was extremely thorough, considering the bazzaz unit has a hell of a lot more cells to program than a powercommander.

    Why did you choose the bazzaz over the PC3? Bazzaz's aren't nearly as common... just wondering

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