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Everything posted by LilTuffGirl

  1. I'm still paying about $6,500 for the 1k. And I gave him $1,500 for the 600 and he still gets all the money from it when we sell it. (well I get the $1k back I put into his bike). so I just got a really good deal on the 1k. And I don't love him for the way he rides He can actually ride damn good. I don't pay attention to his form but as far as the line he takes for the turns and the way he can fly through them.. he's damn good. He normally wears a jacket just like mine but black/grey but he said it was too hot. I'm his fiance not his mother. But at least he had jeans on.. the cousin had shorts. His cousin isn't as good of a rider (hasn't been riding on the street long though) but is freakin' nuts and will go all out. I'm still not all that great on the twisties. I'm doing MUCH better on the 1k than I was on the 600 though. But I really need to go to the track and get some training under my belt so I can build my confidence. Going down hill I HATE!!! I don't like how my weight is shifted forward more. I'm too shakey that way.
  2. I normally HATE getting my hair done but I can't WAIT to get it done now. I have highlights and they are growing out BAD. But my hair lady told me to wait until the first few weeks in Aug since my wedding is at the end of Aug. I feel so girly complaining about my hair. lol
  3. I haven't paid for any of the pics yet so I have to just post up the page. Still waiting on KillBoy to post their pics then i'll start buying even though the prices suck. Photos from US129 Photography.. http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/Thum...596&g=05&s=750 Should be at the top of that page (the repsols).. My fiance is in t-shirt and jeans.... I have the white honda jacket on. and Moonshine Photography (Good pics of the fiance! Ok of me..) http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/Thum...989&g=02&s=600 Oh and my fiance's cousin is the idiot in shorts and a t-shirt on the red 600 lol And moonshine going back down the dragon (I really wasn't getting on it at all. I almost got hit by a cruiser and had enough.) http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/Thum...89&g=02&s=1275 and 129 going back down http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/ThumbPage.aspx?e=4920596&g=05&s=1675 Overall it was a good ride. I was nervous at first so got tired REAL fast. I'm thinking KillBoy was the first crew there and if so those pics should be better. At first I was doing good. We're now planning to do this on a daily bases.
  4. TLR is way too bulky and a bit heavy. Nice bike no doubt but I bet my 1000rr would take it for sure. One thing that was annoying about a tl is if you get aftermarket exhaust it sucks to do long rides. Your ears are ringing like crazy! Lol
  5. Last year Huntington WV WAS the fattest state... and thats where I work And they always wonder why we are using so much workers comp when our backs go out... my normal partner has all sorts of screwd up back issues. I'm still young and bounce back well..
  6. no one in their right mind would claim to be in WV and not really be there...
  7. I work in EMS.. I could get all KINDS of cool pics if it wasn't illegal. Hell I just had a dude who was going to jump off of the bridge. Unfortunatly the police got him down and gave him to us. He told me his buddy in his head told him if he jumped he'd go to a better place. And that the other voices tell him to harm himself and other people. Then he kept asking me if he could jump out of the truck. Half of me wanted to assist him out of the moving ambulance but I kept telling him no and being all nice and crap. I now have video on my phone and he probably would have been pretty entertaining to video.
  8. I didn't take the pics. It was posted in another forum and I stole it. He didn't take them either though. Someone did some research and it looks like she's in IN.
  9. nope apparently just had to start a thread in another area... oddly...
  10. '03 CBR600RR white (it was yellow and I just didn't want it yellow anymore) 30k miles. Never been wrecked but has fallen over in a parkinglot giving it a few small scratches on left side. Brand new gold xo chain (60 miles) oil changed at that time too. New front brakes, power comander, two brothers carbon fiber exhaust, integrated LED tail light, fender eliminater, aftermarket front marker lights. Runs great and has never given me any problems. I upgraded to a 1000 and used our wedding money to put a down payment on the fiance's new bike.... hah $3,500 if you don't have the money please don't try... I'm kind of tired of the "oh man I really want this" stuff
  11. Ok now i'm going to go postal on this place. I worked so hard not to be too much of a troll to get my 50 posts. I've been a member long enough... yet... I still can't post a damn for sale ad!!!!
  12. I've got my '03 Honda CBR600RR for sale for $3,500. It's got small scratches from falling over in a parkinglot. It's never been wrecked.. 30k miles. Never had any problems with it what so ever. New gold xo ring chain.. new front brakes.. power comander, two brothers carbon fiber exhaust, integrated tail light, aftermarket front marker lights, white paint (I just didn't want it yellow anymore) If your interested let me know. I'm in Winfield WV I got a 1000 so the 600 needs a new home. I'll post my ad and pics once I hit 50 posts.. grr..
  13. It is ruff. I wish the best! My dad said when he was in England for his mom's funeral he woke up and saw her standing next to the bed. My dad isn't the type to fall for the ghost story thing so this was one hell of a shock to me. He took it all pretty hard too.
  14. I've been at it for like 2 weeks now It's getting closer but there isn't much to post on here without being a total tool. Which I guess I could go that route but not really feeling it today.
  15. lol!! Nice! Bad thing is if someone I picked up told me that was their name i'd probably think they are being a dick.
  16. pretty impressive... I wont comment any further
  17. I'm too lazy to care about rep points. Right now I just wish I could get to 50 posts without posting too much udder bull crap. But on the other side I never saw the point in the rep system...
  18. I agree with brunette with blonde highlights
  19. LilTuffGirl


    I remember the first few rides. I was actually wanting the phase to go by quickly. The parkinglot phase really sucked! I would see others riding on the street and wimper. I don't miss the riding pains either!
  20. lol sometimes I wonder where the crap people pull this crap from.
  21. Thats what happens to my fiance too. But with his new '09 it looks like a pain to get them off and on so i'm sure once they're off there has to be a damn good reason to put them back on.
  22. I haven't seen it posted? I want to see it signed by a notery as well!
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