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Everything posted by LilTuffGirl

  1. W. VA needs to beef up the patrol on the interstate. I've been close to being hit by road raged drivers 2 times going to huntington. freakin' people cant drive.
  2. I guess I have itty bitty titties.. I don't have this problem.. And I have a RR... Now i'm sad
  3. Damn OH cops will pull over an ambulance in a heart beat too... assholes
  4. wow looks very good without the seat!! Nice!
  5. LilTuffGirl

    deals gap

    my first time too. Were just hoping the weather holds up.
  6. LilTuffGirl

    deals gap

    close... we'll be there the 11th
  7. I have to look like a damn UPS driver every day Well some think we look like correction officers too. I need a new job.
  8. At least it isn't the home to the fattest people in the US like Huntington, WV is! I got the treat of taking one to the hospital that even had maggots eating her legs. nom nom nom
  9. If you want to come out to WV I have my white '03 CBR600RR for sale. $3,500. You can sit on it but unless you hand me the cash to hold no test ride. I always found the Ninjas to feel too small width wise. But thats just me. I LOVE my CBRs though so i'm bias like the others.
  10. Yup water cooled Buggy.. aka Joyner Sand Viper. We also have a VW buggy but got tired of always fixing it. lol plus this one is pretty bad ass. can go about 75 mph and goes just about anywhere. 1100cc I belive. It has better tires on it now. We kinda killed the stock ones on the rocks. We love our toys
  11. I'm not a big fan of the looks of the '09 either. But it does have more HP and MUCH lighter. But the seat hight is a bit taller too. Not so easy for me to ride. Well back up...
  12. Whats his is mine so... MY new bikes. lol We brought home a new '09 CBR1000RR Repsol edition yesterday. The fiance will be paying for it and i'll be taking over payments on his old '07 CBR1000RR Repsol edition And I like our garage right now. Even though we are totaly out of room... Just glad I sold the dirt bike or we'd seriously be stuffed.
  13. I didn't take good pics of my before and after but just in 30 days you could tell my sides were getting smaller. I'm not telling you this but you can download the videos. Takes FOREVER at least it did for me. But saves a LOT of money. You just need resistance bands and if you want a pull up bar that attaches to your door frame. P90X is for sure worth it but you have to be dedicated. It will kick your butt!!!! I don't care how good of shape you think you're in.
  14. I did P90X and almost had phase 3 finished when my laptop died took me about a month to get a new one and have lost intrest in it now. But it for sure works!!! Now i'm going to a busier station at work with more people there so I cant do it at work (I work 24 hour shifts) So it's not practicle for me anymore. Then me being the smart one I am I went to the gym last thurs. and worked on the stair stepper (I'm wanting to start to test for some fire departments soon need to get on it) then worked my chest and shoulders but was cut short since I needed to get to class. THEN friday I was feeling good so I ran 1.5 miles (keep in mind i've been inactive for a month) and then worked my legs. Yup my right hip area is screwd I can walk a bit better now but it still hurts from time to time. THEN I got sick which happens a lot... So i'll continue monday and start with arms and probably try the eliptical. P90X did help me figure out what to work out at the gym and how to do so. And i'll probably still do ab ripper X (god it hurts lol)
  15. I've been absent for a while... But i'm and EMT in WV. Have my OH card too but i'll stay here with the fattest people in the US... about a month left in paramedic class. Hoping like hell I pass.
  16. I'm in WV and it has more miles but it's never had a problem. '03 CBR600RR 30k miles white paint (never been wrecked but it fell over) two brothers carbon fiber exhaust clear alternatives integrated smoked LED tail light power comander 3 K&N air filter aftermarket front turn signals brand new xo chain (i've road the bike once since I put it on) $3,500 firm I'm taking over my fiance's '07 repsol Well if I can get this one sold. (I don't have any pics of it by itself on this computer. can get some)
  17. on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=280244622986 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=280244624224
  18. I have been into cars since I was like 5.. lol my mom had a '69 mach 1 and my dad had a ford model T. The only time I could spend with them was helping them with thier vehicles. Although my help was fetching stuff back then lol Once I turned of age I did all I could to the cars I could afford. Got into drag racing but never had much to race lol Now that i'm "growing up" i'm paying more bills and can't afford to mod. Last car was a '03 Mach 1. It was fun but SUCKED in the snow and being an EMT I had to go to work in the snow. Got the STi and LOVE it!! I want to do a lot to it but am happy with having some money to fall back on if something happens to the house or..well.. me.. lol I work out at Kanawha Valley Dragway as an EMT once in a while and i'm like a kid at a candy store lol
  19. HAH see it is lower!! and lighter!! But the b.f doesn't belive me and says my '03 is just fine I can't talk to him much about it because my '03 use to be his and I only paid him $1,400 for it. Was making payments until he felt bad about taking my money. lol He thinks i'm not greatful to have the '03 :sighs:
  20. lol my honda has 25k on it now and has pretty much just had it's oil changed and air filter and she runs damn strong. Which we do ourself... actually just did it sunday. Although I might let someone else check the valves.. I don't think we want to tackle that job. Just be sure the people doing it know what they are doing. I've let one other person work on my bike (we spent HOURS trying to figure out it's turn signal issue and finally gave up) and god it was a headake. They didn't put the plastics back on correctly and I lost one of the screw things (hah) although they did buy me a new one... Had to take it all back apart and put it back correctly lol
  21. I'm sorry, can you even keep up with a honda? But thats what I want but paid off bike > payments
  22. Now that we got the house the toys that arn't used so much have to go.. The b.f is selling his 2004 Honda CRF250X. It hasn't been ridden a lot and runs great. Completly stock. He said it still has the orig. front tire on it too lol $3k obo (trying to pay it off. can't afford the extra bill)
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