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Everything posted by 2WheelSwagger

  1. I think it's looking pretty sweet, and a refreshing new motorcycle to the scene! I can't wait to see them in person & get a feel for how the ride honestly.
  2. Wow, that first chics ass is just nasty. I can't get it out of my head!
  3. I'm curious too, did the load equalizers do the trick? or no?
  4. "Revolver" with Jason Statham, one of the all time best movies!
  5. How could that guy see with no glasses!?!?!
  6. I've been wanting to get out skydiving again! Count me in +1.... I like to bring my own women
  7. Sticky floats allowing excess fuel into the combustion chamber would lead to worn rings as the oil on the cylinder walls become diluted... seen THAT a few times
  8. This may just be food for thought but... You had mentioned the vavle seals were leaking & it was smoking a lil bit?? If this is correct I would def look there. It's quite possible that the oil is not burning off completely and acummulating over a lil time. Running it till it got hot could allow the pipes to get hot enough to finish the job, but if it comes back you should replace those valve seals & piston rings.... 140 across the board's kinda shitty...
  9. I've just armed up for the pending femi-nazi war lol
  10. It's nice seeing how many chics have been getting into motorcycles the past few years.
  11. What kinda bike is he looking for? I have a buddy fixing up an 80-something yamaha seca 750 that will be for sale soon
  12. I'm pretty interested... Did you have the ignition coils replaced per the service bullentin or have you had any ignition probs??
  13. Looking at this I can't say I blame you...wtf, that's some crazy shit!
  14. 10 years of experience with Japanese Street bikes. Proficient in everything from eletrical diag, engine & transmission repair to setting tire pressures. Currently working on bikes for myself untill I find something suiting. Looking for a lead tech position or service manger with a stable company.
  15. That's not too bad for your V-Star, my buds got a 650 & he had to have his valves checked during his first service. He said it was something like $350 also.
  16. Thanks alot for the recommendations guys! I'll check them out, I like having the pros take care of it. My free time is for riding & golfing.
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