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Everything posted by rockstarhonda

  1. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again! Me. did it hurt her. did what hurt me. when you fell from heaven
  2. that was such a waste of time, but I am wasting works time so its alright
  3. love the paint scheme and I have never seen anyone paint up there battery. Be very happy with that. Cant wait to see it in person
  4. did you steal that bike from hondanorthwest and change the plastic back to stock
  5. And after a week there and you realize that you are going broke, and the company is keeping all your spiffs, you will leave promptly. They have more turnover than mcdonalds
  6. I had a reading of 124 on my speedo, and know zerocrash thats not my waist size. I can read your fuck up mind!!
  7. rockstarhonda


    Welcome ryan, This site rocks:dj:
  8. I think we should plan a guys trip down there looks badass
  9. I hope they fail at being a dealership. I really dont need the competition, and who is going to sell these bikes the 18 year old kid making 8 buck an hour. They are going to have to build another store.
  10. I hate the fact that there are going to try to sell bikes. They will find out that it hard to make money selling bikes. Also where are they going to put the entire line. Also who is going to sell these bikes, the 18 year old kid making eight bucks an hour??
  11. They guys hanging on the ropes are actually trying to hook the rope somewhere around the bike to keep it from crushing the rider. As you can see it is better said then done!! the mullet was classsic
  12. Boo to iron pony the dealership. Hooraa to iron pony the accessory dealer
  13. I believe luck is a big part of it!!!
  14. Would not surprise me. I can not believe he rode with his wrist all fucked up
  15. I got a discount through american modern insurance, there awesome
  16. yeah and they change the design often, so you can collect them
  17. Im sure we could talk angrish into entering,
  18. We should get together and go to the national hillclimb at a place called devils staircase. Look that up
  19. Where are you meeting at? I will ride down
  20. Is anyone riding anywhere tonight? Need something to do
  21. You do get a 10% insurance break if you pass the MSF course.
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