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Everything posted by rockstarhonda

  1. prayers go out to friends and family. RIP
  2. Where in the hell do these people come from. and I agree with ousley99, I think people would start thinking things through a little more if you knew there is a possibility that someone might have a gun and will shoot you if you start acting a fool
  3. I love it, I think its faster now that its not crashed. took a couple of days had to do alot cutting and trimming to get everything to fit right but it was worth it
  4. how are you going to carry waterballoons while you ride?
  5. zerocrash and myself are going up after work saturday be there around six o'oclock hopefully bringing plenty of beer. so i am sure we could share one or two
  6. i have seen those once before, last year DR showed me. I like it no maintence
  7. glad to hear your healing, hope to see you on the street again soon
  8. david it will happen more than once, there usually just jealous, that you work and can afford nice things. I just laugh at them
  9. you had to go there didnt you, well at least were both not making any money
  10. sorry zerocrash i do not have the time to sit in my office and proof read i need to post and go so that I do not get in to any trouble. ASSHOLE
  11. Shit I sell KTMs and have not got t oride one yet, where did you getthis oppurtunity
  12. I have no a/c at work just went a motorcycle ride to arbys for lunch
  13. I respond to post to slow Im bored at work
  14. Hey Lost, you picked the perfect screen name because you are lost. It sounds like to me you have not yet had a close call on the street. Mr.bret was completely in the right to say something to asshat driving the suv. Sounds like said driver started it by getting out of his vehicle.
  15. whats up with the rim stripes on honda. there glowing
  16. Dude I know your pain I have had two bikes stollen in the past year. I work over here at ohiomotorcycle I will keep an eye out. I would make the trip up to the superbike race next weekend. It might turn up there
  17. yeah, the race was sweet, I just can not believe what a shitty year the hayden is haveing. I hope the rumors about him leaving honda are true..
  18. I have seen that video before, the kicker is that the bike actually belongs to his father.
  19. +1 to everything everyone said. that kid thought he was such a badass, would have looooved to see the bike and him go through the wall.
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