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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. hey bubby wanna come to the church fest tonight?

  2. hey bubby when ya wanna get together and goes meats shopping for saturday??

  3. hey bubby.... need to check out that trim this weekend... how's sunday?

  4. hey buddy, did you check out the site for the tu stuff? any of it look promising?

  5. hey buddy.... you looking forward to fish?

  6. hey buttafuco!!! whats new dude??? wanna catch a movie this weekend??

  7. hey Butter bean.... you gonna come out for breakfast saturday??? it would be great if you could promote it a little I think some other people might come if they see a few of the more prominent members attending..

  8. hey buudddy!! gonna be out and about today if you want to have me stop by and check out your concrete ideas... give you some hard prices... whateva... shoot me a pm with your addy and time you wanna hook up maybe go out for a little ride after... k?

  9. hey care bear.... I need to get my camera from ya sometime... could ya shoot me a text when you are available???

  10. hey chica.... how's it goin??

  11. hey chica...your puppy don't like me .... whas up wit that?? I told him I love dogs and everything!! LOL

  12. hey chowder head.... wanna go drool over some ducati's??? while I test ride a BMW???

  13. hey d-bag what the hell man.... you never respond to my messages....

  14. hey did ya see where dubguy were selling his suit.... would that fit you??? it seems a good price for what it is...

  15. hey dime bag... lol fish fry starts this friday... you and the Mrs. coming out??

  16. hey does ross have any single friends? I'm trying to hook up a friend that is getting out of a bad marriage, just someone to pick her spirits up and give her something to do besides sit in her mom's house and think about all the shit she is going thru.... or maybe I could intro her to you and you could get her out and about... what do you think?

  17. hey douche' you gonna have ben come look at yer bike??? and what about the plumbing stuff ya need done.... wendsday looks good for me (evening)

  18. hey dude ben and carrie are giving away a good matress and box spring set, they had it in the guest room, I have a frame I found if you want it.... get a hold of me and ben if you want a bed man....

  19. hey dude bike for steve http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1182522175.html I know it's a cruiser but for the price it'd give him some time to find something really nice and maybe save up some cash towards something a little newer and when he's done with it I'll buy it from him... so win win... I'd like to go look at it with him also...

  20. hey dude call me.....heading over to justins in a bit here

  21. hey dude can ya please close the 4th of july interest thread for me??? I started a new thread with a poll to see how many peeps to expect.... hope ya have fun in myrtle...

  22. hey dude check out my 4th of july thread.... let me know what you think....

  23. hey dude get the pup fixed yet? Yeah I know it 's me I feel tons better...

  24. hey dude I'll be over at the house tomorrow most of the day, I'm gonna knock out the cabinet relocation and get started on the drywall patch in the kitchen...

  25. hey dude I'll be over in your hood today.... going to the elementry school for the nephews BB game @ 2pm

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