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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. working a bunch.....riding when I'm not working....

  2. check your pm mang....

  3. I need to know schedule man friday evening??? I can come out before bike night.... or after....

  4. was I supposed to??? I freakin forgot....sorry man got so tied up with doin that concrete pad for swing'r... wanna do it this week ?tell me when you are available...

  5. hey punkin wanna go ride???

  6. I'll call you after I eat some b-fast.....

  7. wanna go for a ride with me n swingr today???

  8. thas cool..... at least you had an enjoyable ride...

  9. you have fun today??? any dumb shit ?

  10. what time tomorrow mang..... and where do ya wanna meet?

  11. A-hole I just tried calling you!!

  12. what are you not speaking to me anymore??? I thought us d-town boys were supposed to stick together...

  13. Ok I'll see you sometime around 7:30- 8:00.....

  14. today, early evening or would it work better for you on sunday?

  15. you sold the magna without consulting me??? WTF man?? lol good looking new one .... you'll have to let me try it out sometime... HA HA

  16. cool, I will call you this evening while I am at the bar working.... 2nd job... fun...

  17. dude here ya go http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1319414334.html sell yours for parts and I bet you'd have enough to buy this one outright...

  18. tha sucks man.... let me know if you need any help finding shit.... I can look in my "off" time....

  19. dang man that sucks.... you gonna buy that other wrecked one and swap out the needed parts???

  20. so is the insurance gonna total it for you and cut you a check???

  21. you are leaking oil all over the garage mang.... I think you busted a seal or something when you went down,,,,

  22. not going to bike night????

  23. hey man I need a hook up for my wife's car, I need 5 qt of 5-30 and a filter.... know where I can get it without a bunch of hassle???

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