Well you folks have made a great impression on my Brother Knights... they have asked me to ask you if you would like to join us in the 4th of july parade in Whitehall.... I would like to know how many of you would like to ride in the parade. I was hoping that 12 o'clocker would ride and do some stunting, and that we would have a good mix of bikes cruiser and sporty also to "show off" our diversity... would also like to have 2 bikes to ride out front to carry the O.R. banner... I think it would be a good P.R. move on our part to help get the board out there... so let me know what you think and if you are interested so I can get the ball rolling.... also, even if you don't want to do the parade, you are all invited to the hall afterwards to have a cook out, same as the last one 4217 e. main st whitehall ohio 43213.... if anyone wishes to bring side dishes that would be great too... so, please post up if you are coming to the parade (meet time at 9 am at the hall) or just the cookout, or both... so I can get an idea of how much food to purchase and how many spots will be filled with bikes... thanks.