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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. hey does ross have any single friends? I'm trying to hook up a friend that is getting out of a bad marriage, just someone to pick her spirits up and give her something to do besides sit in her mom's house and think about all the shit she is going thru.... or maybe I could intro her to you and you could get her out and about... what do you think?

  2. maybes....Loving the job ... I get to play with bikes all day how could I not love it?

  3. I need to send you some pictures don't i?? .... DUHZ!!

  4. hey boo.... wanted to let ya know I have my amsoil dealer number now if you and jim ever wanna get your oil thru me I can get it @ wholesale... beats retail and I can get the filters and everything for the cars bikes etc...

  5. e cig thread time to make money you j- hole

  6. hey mang call me I have news for you...

  7. the wife and I are going to the v-twin show downtown that day, might get home around 4 or so... if you wanna meet after it's cool....

  8. what time are we leavign??

  9. I'm beginning to think people just don't like me around here..... or am I really an asshole?

  10. did you get my message dude???

  11. that's what I was getting at... I'm just in a mood cause my IRISH suck this year.... LOL (in football, I still have hockey hopes!) LOL:D

  12. nobody stranger then us....

  13. hey got the invite... see ya soon ...

  14. dang dude.... I might have some side work coming up you could help me on.....

  15. it's ok I like the saints and lions....

  16. hey bub you order that stuff??? I didn't see anything on the site as far as orders placed

  17. ok so do you wanna go to the gym then??

  18. yeah that happens..... oh well... whattya do...

  19. I don't think peeps like me much around here.... nobody wants to hang out and watch hockey with me.... am I that big of an asshole??? oh well f- em' I was riding solo long before I came here..

  20. hey, do you wanna go to the gym????

  21. well now we can just make love right there... lol RED WINGS are by far the BEST team EVA!!! I wore the captain's jersey to the last game here in c-bus 9-1 victory!!! I'll prolly be trying to score tix for the next time they play here if you guys wanna go let me know and I'll score xtras

  22. you can be on here but can't answer your phone.... wtf man??? LOL

  23. what time today dood?

  24. you in for riding in coshocton saturday, steve too ?

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