Well you folks have made a great impression on my Brother Knights... they have asked me to ask you if you would like to join us in the 4th of july parade in Whitehall.... I would like to know how many of you would like to ride in the parade. I was hoping that 12 o'clocker would ride and do some stunting, and that we would have a good mix of bikes cruiser and sporty also to "show off" our diversity... would also like to have 2 bikes to ride out front to carry the O.R. banner... I think it would be a good P.R. move on our part to help get the board out there... so let me know what you think and if you are interested so I can get the ball rolling.... also, even if you don't want to do the parade, you are all invited to the hall afterwards to have a cook out, same as the last one 4217 e. main st whitehall ohio 43213.... if anyone wishes to bring side dishes that would be great too...