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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. I sent them in text form to your phone....

  2. I should have hung out with you and justin.... for a little while anyway.... I went back got pissed off and left...

  3. I start the 22nd... in the service dept...

  4. I take it you like hot tubs...

  5. I think I gotta be a supporter first, I looked no such tab on my cp page

  6. I think the wheel is out of true... I'm gonna take it up to cycle search around 11 30....

  7. I think you got me cornfused with vroddave... he moved south, I stayed here... and we can ride after the roads are clear

  8. i thought she said she invited you.... I know she said she sent a bunch to people on the board...

  9. I want one of each also, and different brands, and models... hell I just like bikes....and girls... and girls on bikes...whew is it getting hot in here?00020169.gif

  10. I was gonna say.... you haven't experienced the cheez wheel how would you know it hurts.... HA HA HA .... but seriously you are a blast to hang with...

  11. I were just joking sweetheart....anywho.... did ya like the 99 words for boobs vid... I thought of you when I saw it... lmao...

  12. I were too lazy so I put all 200 pics on photobucket... and posted the link to them in the thread... you and howard are soo cute together... I think ya found a good one this time...as long as you don't get bored with him...lol

  13. I wondered where you took off to.. I went looking after I saw ya...

  14. i wouldn't mind coming up and hanging with ya tomorrow and checking out the hell steed...

  15. i'd be down for ice cream....

  16. I'd be down for that....

  17. I'll be back over there tonight.... if you and carin wanna come hang new years eve you are more then welcome, avoid the a-holes and I promise NO boobie bars!! although it was really easy to keep my money in my wallet at that one... LMAO

  18. I'll be over in a few... hard to motivate after a long night of debauchery.....

  19. I'll be there after work for a bit, it's a church festival... rides, beer, games... at the corner of broad and yearling... Holy Spirit Church... can't miss it... around 1030 or so I'm heading to see Art's band at bethel Pub...

  20. I'll bring you a turkey sandwich.... lol

  21. I'll call when we solidify plans...

  22. I'll call ya later.... see if you are down or not....

  23. I'll call you after I eat some b-fast.....

  24. I'll find out, there are councils all over that do them....

  25. I'll give it my best shot.... wouldn't want to miss yota doing backflips on the dance floor....

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