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Everything posted by cmoosego

  1. sorry peeps.... I had something come up and couldn't get out of... but I did ride last night... a little...lol..
  2. if dave is in I have to show up so I can kick his bike over...
  3. "do you suck dick? Are you a peter puffer?I bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a guy in the ass and not have the common courtesy to give him a reach around!!!"
  4. I lulz you.... he he he

  5. but it could be a great way to pimp some stuff out... you're next...
  6. don't tell anyone else.... I'm trying to corner the market with that ass... I'll loan her to ya for a small fee...
  7. My penis has great ideas....he should run for president!
  8. I work here.... I'll be there all day till the event is over... PAID OVERTIME!!
  9. come to 585 s front st.... I'll hook you up and there won't be nearly the traffic and you can walk downtown from here...
  10. Oh I see you sexist bastard... checking out their asses...
  11. take it to a shop and they will install OEM replacement parts...
  12. Looked like a couple cbr's an f4i, and an sv... and and r6...did I miss one?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK7BYZ09zww&NR=1
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvoPe3utOE8&feature=related
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnLincm4fbs
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h2fhd_O-Qg&NR=1 girls on bikes!!
  17. I'm an asshole on a suzuki... what of it??? you wanna fight about it?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30GD25un0XQ
  18. mustang FTW... for longer rides there's nothing that cradles my ample ass better... it's like yota the morning after...
  19. cmoosego


    that is pure awesome right there...
  20. was RINGO there?? if not it wasn't a party...lmao...
  21. I think cheech plays goal also...
  22. let them puppies fly!!

  23. distracted by bobbies all night tonight...:lol:

  24. damn dude... sorry to hear... hope you know that dog loved you with all his heart, thats how it is... unconditional love...prayers and good thoughts your way..
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