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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. yeah I knew that...

  2. much luv for ya brotha.... gotta f- with ya from time to time...

  3. yeah I got some sun too.. farmers tan damn I used to be able to stay outside for hours and just tan.... wtf happened .... guess we are getting old.... lol

  4. you not talking to me again??? dammit!!:D

  5. are we having fun yet??? how's the bike with new sprockets???

  6. yeah I'm just trying to get my mind right.... losing my best friend from high school has put a bunch in my head....

  7. prolly be over tomorrow morning to finish painting the hall and touch up everywhere....

  8. yeah crap... it looked like a clean 04 katana, just said it needed a little work, I guess 600 was too good a deal...

  9. what up dude..... you down for some Irish debauchery???

  10. tha sucks man.... let me know if you need any help finding shit.... I can look in my "off" time....

  11. mohican would keep it closer to you , I know you gotta be back round 8 pm... I just don't want it to be a bs ride with no purpose or where everyone has to bail early to get back home....

  12. well I think there are cures for that... wanna go riding??

  13. you gonna make it thursday?? to the bike night? I prolly will be there..

  14. no way dude..... it's totally cool.... had a good time sorry you missed it, there is always next time... let me know if you ever wanna go out and ride sometime

  15. dude here ya go http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1319414334.html sell yours for parts and I bet you'd have enough to buy this one outright...

  16. yeah I talked with ben for a minute, sounds like ya'll had a good time....

  17. hey dude shake that cold yet???

  18. how's it going mang??? you up for a ride tomorrow with me, justin , and one other guy???

  19. dublin Irish fest. this weekend.... irish whiskey tasting on friday....

  20. dude stop by the pony tomorrow so I can give ya that check

  21. conceited much???

  22. duder wha the f is going on this weekend??? lol hit me up sometime this week so we can solidify the meet spots and such, seeings how I'm the unofficial columbus chapter DTC leader LMAO!!!

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