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Posts posted by cmoosego

  1. whats wrong with michigan?? I was born there!!! besides they suck this year in football!!! So the game will have absolutely no bearing on anything.... it'd be like playing some lame ass high school team.... pointless and boring to watch...

  2. if you really want a "safe" investment.... try one of the "blue chip" stocks, like P&G for example.... I also picked up some walmart stock it seems they are the only retailer projecting a profit for the quarter... I also invested in coors and sam adams brewery.... hell the OR site will personally guarantee those companies existance....LMAO

  3. i've got to def figure out something to do with my bike i hate it being in the rain like this and i know it won't stand the snow and ice... any ideas guys?

    and i'll def let you know smoething pro.

    I have seen several "bike covers" in the J&P catalog that act kinda like a "garage" for bikes, kinda set up like a tent, and even have a floor and a zipper that you can lock..... hopefully this helps.... or you could rent a climate controlled storage bin if you know of one close to you..... the cover/ tent is called CycleVault and a small fleece lined costs $314.99 and if you have a standard sized street bike it should fit it.... if you want I get 10% with my gold card I can order it for you if you could pay for it....then could have it shipped to your house... takes about 5 days...

  4. too bad you don't have more time to spend.... there are cool places all over the univ. of cinci campus to hang, then theres the whole east side where I grad high school.... man the stories i could tell.... but tons to do out there in the country....

  5. I managed to mount an air horn on my crash bars.... I bet I could hide it on a sport bike tho.... and I figured a way to mount extra driving lights in fairings if anyone is interested...

  6. And that's the biggest tax scam of them all... we didn't get to vote on that.

    then let's put an extra tax on everything related to motorcycles too.... or gaming systems, or computers, fast foods, or better yet lets tax anyone that makes over 1000 dollars a week an extra 25% so we can keep people slaved to the welfare system.... Churches/ religious places donate more time/food/money then any other organization in this country including the federal gov't so yeah start taxing them too so there's less to give .... smart really smart!

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