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Posts posted by cmoosego

  1. ok, I give up , first of all the rally doesn't only go past arlington national, it goes throughout DC and the purpose is to raise awareness of the situations involving our vets, the money collected during the rally is given to the vets families, and while I admit that some (very few actually) just go to ride, the majority of riders are there because they either are or have a family member who is a vet. AND SOME EVEN RIDE SPORT BIKES! Now, while I freely admit that there are assholes among the riders the MAJORITY of the riders have nothing but the ULTIMATE respect for VETERANS and their families. I am one of those. Just as I respect YOUR Views. I just don't think it's fair to judge a whole group based on the actions of a few jackasses. Just like you all don't like to be judged solely on the fact that you ride a sport bike, because everyone has seen the videos of the jackass things that some do on them, nor would I assume you all were total morons because you ride sport bikes. So, therefore, I am agreeing that we disagree.

  2. Like I said , I was beside myself because of what this guy wrote in the chicago tribune, acting as if his way of remembering or honoring was superior to those of us who chose to honor in a different way. Acting as if we who ride shouldn't be able to express ourselves in this passion we all share. I agree that maybe a different holiday might be a better setting to demonstrate, but you have to admit this, it puts into our thoughts and actions that we need to do more not less. Speak out for those who gave all and some. The VA not only needs to take care of our new Vets but the past vets and their families who also gave the ultimate sacrifice. I think we need to honor them, but don't just stop at honoring. Go beyond.

    And this is from a former infantryman proud to have served with and for these men and women I am proud to call brother and sister.

    Again I say you guys are missing the point, it's not what you do, it's how you do it. If you really wanna help the vets, volunteer at the VA. Actually get your hands dirty before you go slamming others for the way they honor the Vets. And I can say this because I do volunteer at the VA and I ride in the Thunder Rally and I ride A CRUISER! So I suggest you all put your money where your mouth is....... MAN UP and DO SOMETHING that HELPS!!!! Otherwise shut the hell up!

  3. "loud pipes save lives man"

    every time i hear that out of an idiot cruiser rider (especially one who rides without their gear) I just want to find out where they live, and drive by their house at all hours of the night with a few kickers blasting techno music...

    If loud pipes prevent motorcycle accidents, then loud stereos prevent car accidents...And i should have gotten one hell of an insurance break for my 67...

    I'll keep that in mind the next time some jack assed sportbike comes flying up behind me at 100 plus then decides to go around me and cut me off, so as I said there are butt-nuggets on both sides , and just because I like the roar of my cruiser doesn't make me a bad or reckless person... so I say to you sir... if ya can't stand the noise, go somewhere else!

  4. I've got a suzuki cruiser, am I not allowed to have loud pipes? And I know alot of suzuki cruisers that have louder pipes then some harleys. Go to Volusia owners leauge and find out. Or check out you tube... lots of metric cruisers have loud pipes too. So I ask do you have a problem with them too, or is it just a pre-concieved notion that all guys with loud pipes are ass-holes? Cause personally I'm a pretty easy going guy. and I take offense to being judged solely on the bike I ride, isn't that what you don't like about the alleged Harley Dudes?? And I also ride with harley groups, and they seem pretty nice and outgoing to me. But I notice some of you sportbike guys putting your noses up in the air when a cruiser pulls up..... just saying isn't it kinda the pot and kettle story here???

  5. Like I said , I was beside myself because of what this guy wrote in the chicago tribune, acting as if his way of remembering or honoring was superior to those of us who chose to honor in a different way. Acting as if we who ride shouldn't be able to express ourselves in this passion we all share. I agree that maybe a different holiday might be a better setting to demonstrate, but you have to admit this, it puts into our thoughts and actions that we need to do more not less. Speak out for those who gave all and some. The VA not only needs to take care of our new Vets but the past vets and their families who also gave the ultimate sacrifice. I think we need to honor them, but don't just stop at honoring. Go beyond.

    And this is from a former infantryman proud to have served with and for these men and women I am proud to call brother and sister.

  6. Hey Chris,

    It was fun riding with you thursday. Thats a damn nice fiddy.

    The next time you guys want to ride, let me know.

    sure thing same this way, just drop a line to either me or dave. since we live 2 doors down from each other.. I'm up for riding anytime...

    hey are you going to go to bike night at club 33 tonight??

  7. Hey, this is the skinny. I bought a set of saddle bags (used) from ask, apparently they consign things, and got them home installed on my bike and got to looking at them realized they didn't come with rain covers. Well, as we all know a little rain must fall on anyone who loves to ride. So, I call up Nelson Rigg to see how much it would cost to get them for my bags, the lady told me she'd have to check to see if they had any in stock left because my bags were discontinued. Well ok, here I am thinking that i've spent good money on bags that I like but can't use in the rain. Then 2 days later I get a package in the mail, Rain Bags and they are free of charge! Nelson Rigg rocks! I gotta say if you need great bags with great customer service, choose nelson rigg.

  8. Hey everyone, my name is Chris, I ride a 2007 Suzuki c50 boulevard. I went to the bike night thursday at the lodge bar and decided to post here on the site. Had a good time just wish there were more c50 people out there, haven't met too many yet, is my bike that rare? LOL, or am I hanging with too many HOG people? Any way look forward to meeting more people this summer. Catch ya'll out there.

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