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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. awww get all creepy dude... she don't mind....

  2. luvs ya bubby....Bwhaaa haa haa...

  3. couldn't sleep huh???

  4. hey buddy, did you check out the site for the tu stuff? any of it look promising?

  5. oh sexy girlfriend........... HA HA Ha!

  6. feelin better punkin???

  7. I figured you'd like that one

  8. hey bubby.... need to check out that trim this weekend... how's sunday?

  9. hey bub... you still thinking about selling one of the z's?

  10. let me know when you find a place and I can come help you "adjust" the price accordingly... that way you can get the best deal and get it taken care of and walk away with extra cash....

  11. well I guess it's prolly better doin this then getting chubby like me... HA HA !

  12. when yaz going out to look for a battery?

  13. working a bunch.....riding when I'm not working....

  14. it sucks being stuck with no wheels... bring me my bike mang!! LOL just kiddin... how's everything?

  15. it's cool mang.... if you can't I'll just tell the company to bite my ass, they can't keep me busy so I have to go out and drum up my own work.... they can suck it...

  16. hey sexcey!!! :lol: you coming out tonight? wanna hit a church festival?

  17. booo yaah dude!!! did ya get to vote ???

  18. whats new slick willy??

  19. i've recently started going back, used to be a competitive powerlifter, man it's hard getting back into that training mindset.... but then again the wife likes the results.... no more man boobies!!

  20. I can do you one better. come to the parade saturday and see them for yourself... or we can meet up sometime... up to you...

  21. are you ever gonna fix your bike???

  22. where the f were you today???

  23. ok.... what besides the trees and the front bed were you wanting?

  24. where the hell were you yesterday??? loser!

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