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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. sure if ya's wants to

  2. sure... when do we patch in???

  3. surprised you aren't at dave's hotel party at easton with justin and all of em'

  4. sweet... eat some good food for me... and kiss a hot Italian.. chick not guy.. I wanna imagine that for a minute...LOL hope ya have a great trip

  5. tha sucks man.... let me know if you need any help finding shit.... I can look in my "off" time....

  6. thanks for sticking around and helping out....

  7. thanks for the hard work buddy.... let me know if we need to get out and promote again.... I'm always down for hanging with you...

  8. thanks for the plug man...

  9. thanks man for hauling my ass around all night.... I appreciate ya !!!

  10. thanks.... hope the weather breaks for a minute to ride ....

  11. thas all??? how much did it run ya if ya don't mind tellin.....

  12. thas all??? how much did it run ya if ya don't mind tellin....

  13. thas cool..... at least you had an enjoyable ride...

  14. that thing is more fun then I thought.... I rode it all over canal yesterday, had to fill it up again... LOL it's super nimble, just not "fast" on the pickup like mine.... but I think it'll do for tooling around town anyway, got courtney on it last night for a trip around the block she liked it ok.... she's gonna give it a try anyway so I'll just take it slow with her.....thanks again man... see ya tomorrow...

  15. that's what I was getting at... I'm just in a mood cause my IRISH suck this year.... LOL (in football, I still have hockey hopes!) LOL:D

  16. thats cool glad to hear you are able to get around and stuff.

  17. thats cool man.... hope christmas is going great for you and jules... still need to get together at some point and go over plans for the basement and deckwork..

  18. the parade will last about an hour to an hour and a half.... it goes a little over 3 miles... if you feel it will be too hard on your bike you could also just ride the float... but with a water cooled honda you should be fine... then food after... good times and good peeps.

  19. the wife and I are going to the v-twin show downtown that day, might get home around 4 or so... if you wanna meet after it's cool....

  20. there's a storm moving in it's over by hilliard now...

  21. they are open now if you wanna just call up there and get it paid for... that would help me out anyway..

  22. they got in a zx-6 at the pony that they are gonna let go on the cheap , would make a great track bike if you know anyone that might be interested...

  23. things are kicking off for the big christmas season with the KofC, lots of charity work to be done.... still checking the scene for sporty bikes... probably gonna have to wait till spring... and keeping my head up working as much as I can to stay ahead...

  24. think of lying on a hot sandy beach with the cool ocean lapping at your feet, the sounds of birds and surf all around.... oh you were trying to stay awake.... LOL

  25. this fish is good, I'm not fond of fish myself, but I like this....

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