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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. do you need help for the awareness rally this weekend??? if so call me k?? need to know soon.... got a bunch happening

  2. did you n mike get the house power washed yet??? been waiting to hear if you needed it....

  3. got any plans for tomorrow?? you gonna hit up the bike night?

  4. dave told me about it.... I didn't trust my tires and my winshield hasn't been fixed yet...

  5. nah, just want you to know I think you are awesome.... even with the Gangly fingers... (kiss kiss, hug hug...)

  6. A-hole I just tried calling you!!

  7. dang man..... went to the game last night... awesome time!!! the nephew even had a good time....

  8. dunno you haven't talked to me for a while I figured I pissed you off somehow....

  9. hey sexy, find that bike yet???

  10. no, the pressure washer is a motorized unit that you attatch to a water source and use it to blow the dirt and grime off... i could bring it by next week and show you how to use it and let you borrow it for a couple days....

  11. what time tomorrow mang..... and where do ya wanna meet?

  12. I take it you like hot tubs...

  13. I was gonna say.... you haven't experienced the cheez wheel how would you know it hurts.... HA HA HA .... but seriously you are a blast to hang with...

  14. how'd that go..... you doing ok getting around and doing stuff? I get self conscience when people don't talk to me for a while... I tend to piss off people with my " tell it like it is " attitude...

  15. wha happened to our musics??

  16. distracted by bobbies all night tonight...:lol:

  17. dang man.. I could help ya out today if ya want...

  18. good night sweet heart... I gotta catch some sleep ... catch ya soon...

  19. you down for beer???

  20. I don't have any of the remainder left I kinda ruined it trying to figure out a way to finish it off and have it look good... sorry... the only solutions I could come up with were to add a piece of wood stained to match the other stuff and have it round it off that way.... didn't know if that would fly or not...

  21. you have fun today??? any dumb shit ?

  22. dude, you busy today??? wanna go to cycle search with me to get my front wheel checked out???

  23. let them puppies fly!!

  24. hey care bear.... I need to get my camera from ya sometime... could ya shoot me a text when you are available???

  25. gonna ride today bisches???

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