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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. you gonna make the 4th of july cookout?? or parade? or both?

  2. you got an invite to the cycle show if ya wanna go.... you just have to room with me, art and jags...lol totally safe right? LOL

  3. you gots a job yet bubby??

  4. you gotta check out my post in the t-shirt thread... possibly my best work ever...

  5. you guys just tag team internet or what??? one logs on the other logs off... wtf mang???

  6. you guys should hang with us at the show....

  7. you have fun today??? any dumb shit ?

  8. you havin a bad day bro??

  9. you home today bubby??

  10. you in for parade action w the kid????

  11. you in for parade action??? and free food? PLEASE?!?!?!!? I need some people to show up or this is gonna look lame as hell having a group of 5 bikes to "represent" a whole state of bikers...

  12. you in for riding in coshocton saturday, steve too ?

  13. you know I heart you and jim but c'mon, the buckeyes have been lucky and in a weak conference all year....

  14. you know I'm a teasing you right sweetie??

  15. you like blowers??? have I got a guy for you.... his name is lance....LOL

  16. you mean haul water and gear for you while you rip the twisties

  17. you n mike riding today???

  18. you need to purchase a jacket for your lady...

  19. you never answer your damn phone bitch!!

  20. you no worky today??

  21. you not talking to me again??? dammit!!:D

  22. you ok there bubby?

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