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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. how was the mirage and sinbads???

  2. yeah I got some stuff to get straight too....

  3. well I guess it's better then being up your crack... so I guess we'll get along fine... 00020071.gif

  4. I guess thats why we get along so well.... that and the fact that I have no internal filter that tells me when to keep my mouth shut.... how was the tattoo show??

  5. thats cool man.... hope christmas is going great for you and jules... still need to get together at some point and go over plans for the basement and deckwork..

  6. you guys should hang with us at the show....

  7. i may have to take you up on ur offer bro... thanks for being there..

  8. hey bitch you down for riding today???

  9. I'll call you after I eat some b-fast.....

  10. just checkin... we still on for the trailer yes?

  11. hey ken, you gonna trek down to whitehall for some fish tonight??

  12. I'll call ya later.... see if you are down or not....

  13. I am gonna try to make it up next weekend if they don't send me to signature soon...

  14. ok cool... glad I could help you and Jeff out.... I guess for any component that needs hdmi cable will have to have one there are only 2 ports in the back of the tv tho so keep that in mind....

  15. Qsl tonight??? it looks like the weather is clearing... according to Radar anyway....

  16. hey punkin wanna go ride???

  17. going for the first major ride of the year tomorrow

  18. it's getting to be a drag... but I like the money... and it means down the road a bit things will loosen up and I can make some more purchases and upgrades...

  19. leaving for kenton round 9 am... prolly meet up in dublin round 33 and 270 round 8 or so .... unless you wanna meet somwhere else... I figured meet up grab a bite to eat for breakfast and head out... meeting up in kenton round 11 am...

  20. yeah not a problemo... anything i can do to help ya out man... just let me know..

  21. prolly meet up in pick town after... give me a buzz when ya are done and i'll meet up with ya 554-8056.....

  22. I know I prolly asked you but you got plans for tomorrow??? I'm going on a LONG ride wondered if you wanna go too...

  23. I'll give ya a call when we make final decisions... and meet up over at bike night pick town classics pizza

  24. explain??? I think it'd be pretty self evident!! LOL but as long as you don't get offended I'll just tease you ..K?

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