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Everything posted by cmoosego

  1. why? we never do anything else as a group.... at least nothing fun like sex....
  2. I freakin missed GYROS?!?!?!? Dammit man call me next time!!!
  3. now you guys are starting to see how it is everyday in the KofC... so many charities... the key is pick one that everyone can get behind and support ALL the way. Not just "say" you are gonna do it, actually follow through. I will get behind any charity the group wants to do. Especially if it is for animals or kids or disabled people or veterans... Lets just do it right, no half measures, or bs excuses.
  4. yeah but you will still have a few bikes you can ride....
  5. you need one .... have somewhere to put Brian...
  6. but we are a gang of wang... and we ain't afraid to use it...
  7. I'm with chevy too we should do something to support the troops also... uso, or other type orgs. we could collect and donate magazines, videos, music, books n all kinds of stuff like that and donate it to send over...
  8. if you wanna donate to animals how about forgotton 4 paws... thats where I got my dog stanley...
  9. kids with mental retardation.... kinda like we did last year... have a party and donate monies have a good time and help the kids too...
  10. so the black and yellow idea went right out the window... LOL I'm thinking about doing a high gloss metallic black and a bright metallic yellow on the katana... and a celtic theme on the cruiser with pearl white, silver metallic, and a deep forest green.... whatcha think?
  11. I was created in a lab for the CIA... in the 70's... for the sole purpose of smashing shit over stumps.... ask Cdub...
  12. this clown is down....wif 2 bikes even... I'll ride one then get the other and switch off during the day...lol
  13. nah I didn't... on purpose...
  14. I bought a new pig sticker....

  15. gun show.... found a knife i liked.... bought it... had a hot dog with jagr n 1000rr... not a bad start to a new year I guess...
  16. I called ya about going to the gun show today mang.... where was ya??

  17. I'm in buddy.... we can go somewhere and pick up slutty sheep...
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