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Everything posted by Zoner1320

  1. mind you it has not ran in a month til today i think
  2. pulled the plugs out after 30 horrible mins. they are black but dont look fouled. I drained the gas before i took out the plugs and dropped a a lil 93 octaine in her still runnin like shit. I tried to put it gear when she was runnin and it stalled. I tried dry gas and cleanen the carbs out.
  3. It sounds like a fucking dirt bike now
  4. So I start feeling better enough for a ride. So I go out and start my bike. It now sounds like a train and wont stay running. Any ideas
  5. Ohhhhh So have you always been a dick or did you work your way up to that.....LOL
  6. That is Freakin crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy does it work ?
  7. Not sure but I am thinking to hell with the Dr. I am riding to Thunder on the strip
  8. Once again another good point
  9. Thinking since up shifting is an issue fishing string would work just fine.
  10. Okay seriously!!!! Do you really need a left foot to ride???? just to shift right??
  11. very much appreciated. Got hurt at a house fire found a hole in the ground that did all the damage.
  12. Well it would appear that my riding season is over. Yesterday I tore every damn muscle, tendon, and ligement in my ankle and caff. It was non motorcycle related. So I need to get someone over to my house to put her away for the season..
  13. DAMN Makes me wanna cry... Glad you are ok, but dude the bike get it to the ER Stat
  14. Torq is great if you wanna pull down a tree or a house... HP is where its at
  15. I agree bring back capitol punishment. I wanna see public hangings and people being torn in half by horses
  16. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=31895 Here is the info on Geneva on the lakes thunder on the strip
  17. Howdy!!!!! KID Operation Kawi domination is almost in place.
  18. Welcome to the Psych Ward!!!!!!
  19. When ya get a chance check them out good times. Even better w/o tail wait.
  20. Much Delayed...... Kid you ever done any PA riding? Killer roads where I was makes Cosh. rds look straight.
  21. yeah like we need an event like this to make fun of them,,,,lol kiddin
  22. http://www.thunderonthestrip.com/
  23. Well her response to all this was that I (aka the young kid on his lil race rocket) whipped in and took her pump while she was backing up. The trooper told her and I quote " ma'am you either need to never go in reverse again or stop driving" "you telling me that he pulled his motorcycle in, shut it off, took off his helmet and gloves, took his key out and opened his gas tank, swiped his card (which we all know takes forever), selected the nozzel, and pumped 10 dollars of gas all while you were backing up?" I lost it when she said yes and again the trooper said "WOW!!!!" Looked at me and said your fast!!!
  24. <----- wishing to be computer litterate!!!!! feel so out smarted. however am smart enough to spot confusion when i see it
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