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Everything posted by Zoner1320

  1. HOLY SHIT..... That SUCKS BAD....... So YOUNG and yet Kinda stupid at the same time.....RIP
  2. DAMN I cant begin to describe the amount of suckage it is to be her if caught by those guys. To hell with "I would be pissed"..... I am Pissed. DAMN PEOPLE.
  3. Zoner1320


    took about 5mins on and off. Was out in about 15mins I took my rear wheel off had it mounted and balanced for about $15. Great bunch of guys
  4. Zoner1320


    I took a jaunt in my truck out to Forest park honda out in erie
  5. Zoner1320


    Got my new tire. I went with a Mich pilot power. I had to go to a Honda garage to have my new tire put on my KAWI rim. Thanks for all the advise.
  6. Yeah I figured it out!!! Thanks for all the positive advise guys......LOL
  7. I need to take my back wheel off HELP!!! i forgot How.
  8. yes but it is not healthy to do so. makes for a rough ride.
  9. Hey I resemble that!!!!!! Is it wrong to have bigger ones than the wife ??????????????????
  10. Shit.... I can't figure out how to turn the invisibility mode off
  11. Go to walmart and buy them for 4.96 or Auto Zone and buy the LED light for i thing 10
  12. what your bike does not have the helicopter option? I thought that was standard on every Honda
  13. I do what I can to amuse you all
  14. I love the fact that they will parallel you from the next block just to see if you do anything remotely crazy. If the speed limit is 25 and you are doing 24 on a bike you are a suspicious rider. If you are doing 26 you are speeding. Small town cops and rockets don't mix
  15. Yeah granted I was a lil close to the handicap spot OBVIOUSLY but another bike left room for me to park beside it.
  16. No that is for other reasons a side of the whole against the law thing
  17. So Sunday I was at work and took a lunch break. I rode to a store to grab some grub. When I parked my bike it was a non handicap spot. I come out and one of the local cops was parked behind my bike. As i approach my bike carrying a small plastic bag a helmet and my coat, He asks me is that your bike (Nope just a cautious driver). I said yes. He asked me for my ID registration and Proof of Ins. I said what did I do. At this point I am very respectful. He said my DRIVER SIDE mirror is hanging over into the handicap spot. WHOA exactly which side is the driver side on a bike????!!!!! So at this point the level of respect is rapidly disappearing. After informing him of the Definition of parking and the fact that my tires were not in the handicap. I was able to talk my way out of it and get a warning. Obviouslly this guy must own a HD and does not respect to "Evil Ways of us YOUNG KIDS" considering I was probably older than he was. Any one else getting riff from the PD?
  18. No I was a ZONER long before auto zone:D
  19. Hey inya. I have a tip on a zx10. A lady comes in to my work and asks me if I know anyone looking to buy a rocket. I asked what kind she said a Kawasaki ZX10 she thought. I asked why she is getting rid of it and she proceedes to tell me that her EX husband died. I asked how many miles are on it she said about 175 miles. I asked how old it was and she said it is about 4 or 5 months old. She needs 7 g's to satisfy the loan or take the payments. Just thought I would throw that out to ya...... Let me know
  20. Zoner1320


    So it was pointed out to me that my back tire is toast. So now I am in the market for a new one. Does anyone have any ideas on where I can get the best deal on a new one?
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