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Everything posted by ross

  1. ross

    Carry gun

    Carry a bigger purse you nancy.
  2. ross


    A guy on ohioriders is looking for a used .22-250 so I sent him your link.
  3. There is a lightly used Savage .22-250 with glass on columbusracing that the guy bumped down to $800 this morning. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99646
  4. I bet you wouldn't have a single problem getting a refund for that.
  5. Bringing back a dead thread. Today I bought a set of Turtle Beach MW3 Foxtrot's because they were on sale marked down from $99 to $69 at gamestop. They were promptly returned less than an hour later due to excessive static/white noise during silent parts of playing a game. They also were plenty loud when I didn't even have them on. I was hoping for a headset so that I wasn't being loud while playing. Returned them and picked up the Steelseries Siberia V2 against the word of the almighty Gamestop man. They insisted that they would not work on xbox but I didn't listen to them. Right now I can use them as headphones until my cross platform audio cable gets here from steelseries. These puppies have amazing sound quality right now just plugged into the 3.5mm jack on my tv.
  6. The g/f just bought me BF3 a couple days ago and so far I love it. I've only played campaign so far because I've never played any of the battlefield series before. I'm still getting used to it but I would have to say that the graphics and game play are by far better than MW.
  7. Crayona and Lemonjello are my favorites.
  8. Is it an Ultra Carry II (like your title) or an Ultra TLE (like your link)?
  9. The average speed at the TT is in the 130's i believe. I don't know about you but I think laying a bike down at anything over 100 with the surroundings at the TT is not going to end well.
  10. ross

    scrap metal??

    There are medical oxygen tanks in the scrap piles at the yard on joyce ave.
  11. If there is more than 4" of clearance between the ground and roll pan at ride height then that's just silly and absurd.
  12. ross

    scrap metal??

    :lolguy: The only thing i can think of that made it even remotely resemble a wing was that it was about 6'x3' and had a slight curve.
  13. ross

    scrap metal??

    All I'm saying is good luck. Most scrap yards are skeptical about everything that is brought in. I scrapped a section of 1/4" aluminum plate a few years ago and the first junkyard told me to hit the road because they weren't taking an "airplane wing". :dumb:
  14. #2 is the only acceptable situation for a rollpan.
  15. ross

    scrap metal??

    Good luck finding a place that will take anything related to the railroad.
  16. I'm not sure on AK's but, when it comes to SKS's, Yugo is the only way to go.
  17. 1911 ~ 1-1.5 hrs PK380 ~15 minutes I decided to try out Wilson Combat Oil and Grease and have been pleased with both. Roughly 1000 rounds down the tube of my Kimber Ultra Carry 2 and only 2-3 jams in the first 200 rounds and has been flawless ever since.
  18. You're probably better off just buying a new tv.
  19. I have heard from a few people that there is a bbq food truck on high street in Clintonville that is the Smackie's guy.
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