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Who is in the wrong here?


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Appears to be an accidental death from a case where "the cop surely meant to bump them over but was a tad aggressive with his little maneuver"

Shit can go wrong sometimes. If they weren't evading and acting the fools, this would have been simpler and less deadly

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If they weren't evading and acting the fools, this would have been simpler and less deadly

Tru dat and I'm usually the first one to point out that if they complied witht he LEO's commands, it wouldn't happen.

However, WTF was the cop thinking? Once the cop rams the guy, I'm sure he's thinking the cop is seriously out to kill him. Unless he was on a shooting spree or otherwise posing a significant threat to the public, this was handled poorly at best.

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I'm sorry but I'm in the you run you pay camp. I will say that the head on hit is very aggressive and begs the question why? What did they do to start the chase and two what was the threat if they got away?

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It looks like the cop tried to brake(nose of car angles down), but it might also be the bump...either way, I don't give a fuck. Run from the cops, and you are fully responsible for the outcome, PERIOD.

the Bronx District Attorney has already declined to prosecute the officer behind the wheel.


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Unless they have them running from a crime scene or robbery then I don't see the reason to ram them. Cops are not God and get to decide the fate of others. I said it before...fu.....well, I'm sure you know where I'm going here.;)

Edited by NinjaNick
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Eh, the bike was nearly stopped when the cop hit it. He could have side swiped him or done any number of things to end the chase, or how about this? Wait for him to run out of gas. Small bike 2 up running balls out? Cops could have kept up and ran him out of gas.

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Looked like LEO was attempting to stop. That said IMO is that it was excessive and likely the outcome was not his intent. I wonder what the level of crime riding an illegal dirt bike though city is. I'll guess it isn't worth someone's life. Either way, I'd file this under you run the risk...decided to ride illegally, decided to run from the police. Sucks for the families and for the officer that ended up taking someone's life.

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I'm in the if you run, you better be prepared to pay the consequences crowd, but one comment in the story

The swarms of unregistered dirt bike riders in New York City are clearly both dangerous and unsafe (certainly when they are running from the police without a helmet), but no one wants to see cops running people over to death.

Left me pondering somthing, I have never heard that this was an issue in the bronx. Seems like a strange issue for an area to have. Anyone have any idea what has these folks riding dirt bikes instead of small street bikes?

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The offense was riding a dirtbike illegally? Clearly the officer was within his rights to use lethal force to keep this guy from traveling without paying the govt first.

No that wasn't it, the story said the first guy was in a car, being chased by police, got rammed by the cop, jumped out of the car then jumped on the back of his friends bike. Not exactly sure why he was being chased in the first place.

Just reread the story, now I'm confused, there is no mention of a car.

Officers in a police cruiser chased a man and slammed into him on a street corner. The man was fine after being hit, started running and jumped onto the back of his friend’s dirt bike. The police cruiser then went after the men and slammed into the bike, killing the driver. The other man on the bike broke his leg and was arrested.
Edited by SWing'R
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Here's an idea... DON'T FUCKING RUN FROM THE COPS! He should have given up at the first hit, actually sooner. Why was he running? At that point the officers have no idea why he's trying so hard to run. Morons, maybe they'll learn not to run next tonne

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It looks like the cop tried to brake(nose of car angles down), but it might also be the bump...either way, I don't give a fuck. Run from the cops, and you are fully responsible for the outcome, PERIOD.

the Bronx District Attorney has already declined to prosecute the officer behind the wheel.



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