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Well my trusty Droid 3 took a tumble off the fork lift at work last night and spiderwebed the screen. So I'm just going to say fuck it and give up my unlimited data and get a new one. I really want the HTC DNA with the quad core but I'm a cheap ass and don't want to spend $200 my other likes the Gallaxy SIII and the Droid 4 for $100. So should I go with my second or third choice or just deal with the broken screen till the DNA price drops. Any one have one of these three phones and would like to comment on them?

And the first fucker that says IPhone is going to get pistol whipped:D I am not interested in one at all.

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

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Iphone:eek: it sucks u giving up your unlimited data, I baby mine now so I don't loose it lol I hear the new Galaxy is sweet.

Whipping will be handed out in the thicket of WNF next weekend...:lol:

Yea there are 4 phones on my account and mine is the only one still with unlimited data. I use between 2.5 G and 3.5 G a month my wife has never used over 1.5G and my buddy jason has never used over 1G and my daughter has a data block on her env touch. Switching to the share everything plan with my 20% work discount I can get 8G of data for the exact same a month that we pay now.

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

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Can you buy used and keep your unlimited data plan?

I've got a Droid Bionic I'll sell you...I've been wanting to get the new Razr Maxx HD...just a thought.

I don't have a 4G sim card yet my old phone is a 3G, is there a way around that?

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

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I have the S3 and won't go to another until the S4 comes out. This phone does all I can think of and more.

Yup that's my #2 chioce, the price on them just droped to $100 on them this week, prob because they are about to anounce the release of the S4 and the HTC ONE. Its screen is only .2" smaller than the DNA but its only a dual core do you notice any slugishness to it when you play vids or surf the web?

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

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Yup that's my #2 chioce, the price on them just droped to $100 on them this week, prob because they are about to anounce the release of the S4 and the HTC ONE. Its screen is only .2" smaller than the DNA but its only a dual core do you notice any slugishness to it when you play vids or surf the web?

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

Plays videos smooth and I love being able to throw videos from my phone to the tv that I have recored with the allshare feature.

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You can still buy the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. I just got my wife one since my niece gave up her phone rights by breaking it. Stock android OS (A MA ZING) and good features on it. I have the OG Razr Maxx and love it to death heavy use all day with at least 20% battery at the end of the day. I still think you can get those as well on the cheap.

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Other than a physical keyboard, i don't see the Bionic as a step down at all...although i will admit I'm not the most tech savvy person there ever was.

It was just a thought though, no worries.

Yea its cool thanks for the offer, id have to look again but I thought the cpu was slower maybe I'm wrong. I will miss the keyboard that's why the driod 4 was on my list but I pocket carry my phone and would like to go thinner so I would like the biggest screen I can get if I don't have a physical keyboard

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

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I got a GS3 on sprint, so I got unlimited data and everything else but sprint is more costly per month. The GS3 is a great phone but its very easy to spider web the screen, if you do go that route, youll want to invest in a case, the best out there are the Otter Box.

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I got a GS3 on sprint, so I got unlimited data and everything else but sprint is more costly per month. The GS3 is a great phone but its very easy to spider web the screen, if you do go that route, youll want to invest in a case, the best out there are the Otter Box.

Yup I have a otter box commuter series on my droid 3 and it has protected it from some spills but the one last night was a full speed roll with a bounce off a wall...lol

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

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I just ordered the GS3 ill have 15 days to decide to keep it or not so ill give it a try

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

You will love it. The s beam is nice esp if your family as the same phone. My girl had a BlackBerry curve she had for 3-4 years and finally came to the darkside and got a gs3 over the blackberry x or whatever its called, and iphone. Phone is super easy to use and the screen is huge

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