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WTB: Blue guns


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I just spent, I don't know how long, looking through the NRA site, on both the retail and the Instructor side. Nothing there that I could see. I picked up a couple blue Glocks from Vances a few months back. Like $50 each. They are in the back right corner in the case, over by the holsters. I thought I had seen a better price with the NRZ, but now I can't find it.

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I just spent, I don't know how long, looking through the NRA site, on both the retail and the Instructor side. Nothing there that I could see. I picked up a couple blue Glocks from Vances a few months back. Like $50 each. They are in the back right corner in the case, over by the holsters. I thought I had seen a better price with the NRZ, but now I can't find it.

I remember seeing them for ~$38 on the NRA site, I think the instructor site.

You can get them online for ~$40 from a few different sites.

Looks like Todd has a good deal though ;)

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Have fun finding used blues.... I've bee trying myself and its nearly impossible. For some reason when people buy them they don't let them go... Blueguns.com offers a discount if you buy more than 10 I think. But then it's still only like 10%. $36 is about the same price you'll find them for on blueguns unless you buy bulk.

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Glock has recently issued a New Contract with Ring's Manufacturing Inc. (BLUEGUNS) to manufacture Glock Blueguns as we have been doing for the past 10 years. This new contract states that Glock restricts the sale of Glock Blueguns to the Public. We are restricted to selling Glock Blueguns to the Police, Military, Trainers, Police Distributors, or Holster Manufacturers. We ask that our customers abide by these rules and refrain from offering Glock Blueguns to the Public on the Internet, Publications or General Catalogs. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your support.

Can the general public still ethically purchase Glock blue guns through retail? How much longer before all Glock training guns are restricted? Did they go after the big guy first and the rest are about to get the hammer?

Adam, time to just call yourself a holster maker and get on a vendors list.

I have a Ring's G17 and you can't have it.

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MidgetTodd, I assume the Blackhawk ones work just as well, except they are not blue in color?

I would really like a Red training gun. As I understand, the red ones will not accept ammo, but the slide, and trigger operate? And you can "field strip" these red ones?

The blue handguns on the NRA site are all listed as "out of stock" when you add then to cart. This was 2 nights ago.

I did see on Ring's website they offer a PPQ model....sweet.

Amazon seems to have a bunch listed at around $50 each.

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MidgetTodd, I assume the Blackhawk ones work just as well, except they are not blue in color?

I would really like a Red training gun. As I understand, the red ones will not accept ammo, but the slide, and trigger operate? And you can "field strip" these red ones?

The blue handguns on the NRA site are all listed as "out of stock" when you add then to cart. This was 2 nights ago.

I did see on Ring's website they offer a PPQ model....sweet.

Amazon seems to have a bunch listed at around $50 each.

The Blackhawk ones are exactly as the Blue ones, except they're orange

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