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I fucking hate west Dayton!


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Had to go to The Palms for a lottery service call at 430pm. I end up being there till 7. The place is filling up. I know they've had some trouble there in the past. I believe there was a shooting there last summer and a stabbing at some point. As well as some fights. All goes well up until I'm walking out the god damn door. Thats when some fucking thug looking prick gets in my face and says "Wtf you doin in her cracka? "

Its times like this that I wish I was allowed to carry while working.

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A co-worker at my old job was shot while working in west dayton, another co-worker had a 2x4 thrown through his car whenshield and they tried to attack him, he got away. Another co-worker friend of mine had an old lady pull him in her house really quick one day, and she said "don't go outside, wait here for a minute until those guys walk through the alley...." she then went on to tell him she saw those boys murder someone in the alley way one day, and was afraid if she went to the police they would kill her. My car was broken into, and radio stolen, when the cops arrived they said "yeah we've had a lot of these smash and grabs here this month" I said "well officer, if that is the case, when aren't you camp'ed out across the street waiting for the perp's to strike again so you can catch them?" He's expression on his face changed suddenly, as if he never even thought of that, then he says " I guess we could step up patrol over here".... so yeah, I know what your talking about, I always hated working that area, luckily I don't work for that company anymore.

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Years back Dayton had to cut cost so the cut 100 officers. It sucks but if its a petty theft or minor crime it does get put off. Violent crimes get high priority and with few cops its the only priority.

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Lol +rep when I get home

Sorry, but when I'm belittled in public, I just go ahead and sarcastically take it to the next level. Makes me feel better for out-assholing them, and they usually don't know what to say next so "I win":D

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Worked and went out to lunch all over west Dayton. I hold my head high and avoid eye contact. Never got messed with, but I've been a victim of racism many times though. Funny though because I've never seen it the other way other than on TV. Today racism is reversed greatly. It's fucking stupid.

Btw, who cares if your work doesn't let you carry. I'd do it and I know many that do. Better to break the rules and be alive than follow them and be dead or stabbed. ;)

Edited by NinjaNick
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Sorry, but when I'm belittled in public, I just go ahead and sarcastically take it to the next level. Makes me feel better for out-assholing them, and they usually don't know what to say next so "I win":D

You for sure would not want to do that while carrying.

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Or opt for the "PBH"

Peanut butter handshake......shart yourself, cram a hand in your crack, then shake the guys hand.......be sure to extend your right hand to convey your peaceful intent just like the old days when a right-handed shake meant something

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This isn't the only time I've had someone get in my face and racially bash me. We are allowed to carry pepper spray, but if your sprayed enough it doesn't work for shit. I was robbed in 2008 at the shell station at West Third and Gettysburg for one of my lottery terminals dude used what looked like a Phoenix Arms .22. Then in late 2007 I was robbed on West Third at some rinky dink store behind the old GM plant off 35 guy took a box of fake scratch off tickets that we use to test our machines, he had a rusty ass steak knife, I was actually laughing at him so hard because he didnt believe me when I told him the tickets were fakes used for testing.

Some people wander why I am the way I am, its because of shit like this. Ive had racism pushed on me since I was in grade school. I am prejudiced to automatically assume that when I am in areas such as West Dayton that I will be subjected to racist comments from someone who is black. Sometimes I am pleasantly amazed that it doesn't happen.

I was at a place on Cornell called Meat King back in 09. It was well after 8pm on a Saturday night. The people in the store were fine with me being there. Once my job was done there was a security guard who had to have been the biggest damn black man I have ever seen told me that he would walk me out. I asked him why he would need to walk me out, that's when he told me "Because your white, white people aren't welcome in this area after dark"

So yeah Ive got damn good reason to think the way I do.

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I hear ya about possible ineffectiveness with pepper spray. Sucks you can't carry on the job, would definitely give you more peace of mind and help protect your employer's interests as well. Maybe they'll wake up and adhere to CHL someday. What about blades? Or taser/stungun? One would think there might be some sort of compromise or loophole you could use to your advantage

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